
shǔ dì zhǔ yì
  • territoriality;doctrine of territory
  1. 知识产权地域性不等同于严格属地主义。

    Territoriality of intellectual property doesn t amount to rigorous territorialism .

  2. 以物理空间属地主义为主的传统管辖权制度面临着极大的挑战。

    The jurisdiction that takes the physical space as majority foundation facing significant challenges .

  3. 本文认为,解决内地与澳门间的区际刑事管辖权冲突,应该坚持以属地主义为主,以限定的属人主义为补充的原则。

    In order to deal with the problem , this whole think it should insist on this principle of territorial jurisdiction .

  4. 针对人口流入,立法上应该缩小村委会属人主义职能的管理范围,扩大属地主义职能的管理范围。

    In term of population immigration , legislation should be laid down to narrow the personalist functions of villagers committee and extend its territorialist functions .

  5. 跨国破产问题在国际法律界所争论问题的核心归结为对属地主义原则和普及主义原则的取舍及运用。

    As to transnational bankruptcy , the key problem argued among the global circles of laws can be summed up to the acceptation or rejection and utilization of the Principle of Territory and the Principle of Universalism .