
  • 网络galle;Galle Fort
  1. 他们有一个15岁的孩子,还有两个11岁的双胞胎,都由Kanthi住在加勒的姐姐照看,并在加勒上学。

    Their three children , 15 year old twins and an11 year old , are looked after by Kanthi 's sister in Galle , where they attend school .

  2. 但是游客如果幸运地对此一无所知,也同样可以畅游这个原名锡兰的国家,眺望国家公园里四处漫步的大象与豹子,抑或在沿海的加勒与拜蒂克洛的诸多海滨圣地之间举棋不定,把历史的伤痕丢在脑后。

    It 's entirely possible to visit the country formerly known as Ceylon in a state of blissful ignorance , to ogle its elephants and leopards roaming about in the national parks , or to languish on the many beach resorts in coastal Galle and Batticaloa , and in that way sidestep altogether the scabs of history .

  3. “至尊精选”系列中除了这座城堡酒店外,还包括了威尼斯的格里提宫酒店,巴黎的加勒王子酒店以及贝弗利山庄的SLS酒店。

    TheCastle Hotel joins other properties in The Luxury Collection including TheGritti Palace , Venice , Prince de Galles in Paris , and the SLS HotelBeverly Hills .

  4. 加勒希伯来文的意思是,他也是耶孚尼的儿子。

    Caleb in Hebrew means : bold impetuous was also the son of jephunneh .

  5. 2005年全国少年儿童体操锦标赛评析中美洲和加勒.比海青年跳水锦标赛

    Analysis on the 2005 youth s Gymnastics Championship ; Central American and Caribbean Diving Championships for Juniors

  6. 加勒与斯帕津姆相信可以画出一幅颅相图来,指明各个区域的确切位置。

    Gall and Spurzheim believed a map could be made of the skull to show where these areas were .

  7. 一名年轻男子跳水弃入印度洋的加勒堡墙加勒,斯里兰卡,在2010年8月12日。

    A young man dives off the wall of the Galle Fort into the Indian Ocean , in Galle , Sri Lanka on Aug.12,2010 .

  8. 在有了13加勒和8岁的丽芙之后,50岁的朱利安·摩尔才和41岁的巴特·弗伦德里希于2003年结婚。

    Julianne Moore , 50 , married Bart Freundlich , 41 , in2003 after having their two kids Caleb , 13 , and Liv , 8 .

  9. 维达纳帕蒂雷纳出生于斯里兰卡南部海边的坦加勒地区的权贵家庭,这使得他可以为所欲为。

    Vidanapathirana was well connected to powerful families in the southern beach resort of Tangalle , where he rampaged with impunity for the next few years .