
  • 网络information price;price of information
  1. 论市场经济中材料信息价格的作用及其管理

    Demonstration on Functions of Material Information Price and Its Management under Market Economy

  2. 浅析我国信息价格政策及信息产品计价模型

    Analysis of the Policy of Information Price and Model in Pricing of Information Products

  3. 一个值得商榷的信息价格计算方法

    A Suspicious Computation Method of the Price of Information

  4. 同时在应用贝叶斯方法评估经济信息价格的基础上进一步考虑其可靠性。

    Moreover , the reliability of the Bayesian method is taken into consideration .

  5. 在分析和澄清这种方法所存在的问题之后,对不同的情况讨论在理论上更为严谨的关于信息价格的分析或计算方法。

    After analyzing and illustrating the problem existing in the method , the stricter analysis and calculation of the price of information are given for different conditions .

  6. 对不确定条件下如何计算信息价格的问题,相关文献均给出相同的计算方法,然而这种计算方法有许多值得商榷之处。

    In some papers , the same method of calculation is used to calculate the price of information under some uncertainty conditions . However , many points are needed to discuss .

  7. 因此,尽管我对信息价格的大幅下滑将极大地促进生产率增长保持乐观,但很难完全确定其作用是否会超过所有其他因素。

    So , while I remain optimistic that the collapse in the price of information will greatly advance productivity growth , it is hard to be completely sure that this will outweigh all other factors .

  8. 两年前收购了itasoftware,其技术正被用于查找航班信息和价格。

    Two years ago bought ITA software , whose technology is used to find flight information and prices .

  9. 迄今发生的最主要的变化是,iPad显示屏取代了传统的纸标,用于显示产品信息和价格。

    The main shake-up so far appears to be iPads for displaying product information and prices in lieu of traditional paper signs .

  10. 苹果对最新款的iphone手机尚未证实其规格、详细信息或价格,但互联网上谣言一直在超速,喷出的照片效果图和传说的iphone5工程样品图以及在其技术规范上无休止的推测。

    Apple has not confirmed the specifications , details or price of the latest iPhone , but the Internet rumor mill has been in overdrive , churning out photo renderings and pictures of purported iPhone 5 engineering samples and speculating endlessly on its technical specifications and functions .

  11. 论信息商品价格概念及其形成机制

    On the Concept of Information Commodity Price and Its Formation Mechanism

  12. 最后,论述了信息商品价格的特性。

    At last , it discusses information commodity price 's characteristic .

  13. 对信息商品价格的本质也作了说明;

    And it also explains the nature of information commodity price .

  14. 信息技术价格相对下降意味着,眼下情况仍然如此。

    Falling relative prices of information technology mean this is still true .

  15. 股价信息、价格运动特征与资源配置效率

    Stock Price Information , Character of Price Movement and Capital Allocation Efficiency

  16. 信息商品价格界定的理论基础

    Theoretical basis of determining the price of information commodities

  17. 论信息商品价格形成基础及定价原理

    The Basis of Price Formation and the Principle of Price-Fixing for Information Commodities

  18. 降低信息服务价格,刺激居民信息消费。

    The information service rate will be reduced to stimulate private information consumption .

  19. 信息的价格和流动性效应

    Effects of Asymmetric Information on Prices and Liquidity

  20. 信息商品价格理论与实证研究

    Theory and Case Study of Information Product Price

  21. 确定主要竞争对手,并保证调查的相关信息和价格的可行性。

    Determine target competitors and assure the availability of cross reference information and related prices .

  22. 国内外信息商品价格问题研究评述

    A Review on die Research Achievements of the Price of Information Goods at Home and Abroad

  23. 不完全信息与价格歧视

    Imperfect Information and Value Discrimination

  24. 要解决这一问题,最为直接的调节和管理工具是科技信息产品价格。

    And the most direct way to solve this problem is to form the rational price for technology information product .

  25. 同时,从理论上解释了部分信息商品价格严重背离其价值的原因。

    At the same time , it explains why some information commodity price deviates from its value seriously in theory .

  26. 其他审计信息没有价格。在私人产品审计信息中,二次开发的审计信息的价格为市价;

    Among private goods'auditing information , the price of those further developed is market price , others have no price .

  27. 而大豆的期货价格波动呈现非正态分布的特征,集群现象显著,而且存在着显著的自相关性,表明投资者不理性,市场信息不对称价格等问题。

    Future price fluctuation is not normal distribution , the feature of auto-regression is greatly prominence and news unbalance and investment unrealized .

  28. 本文讨论了信息商品价格偏离价值的原因,即影响价格的因素。

    This article has discussed the reasons of commodity price of information deviating from the value , namely the factors of influencing the price .

  29. 地理信息共享价格政策诌议&各国地理信息收费政策及我国的对策分析

    Promoting the Geography Information Sharing and Establishing the Information Country ── Analysis for the Geography Information Charging Policy and the Solution of Our Country

  30. 在市场经济体制中,信息作为价格的生成依据决定着资本市场资源配置的效率。

    In Market Economic System , as the basis of the price , information determines the efficiency of resources allocation in the capital market .