
  • 网络Broadcast News;Broadcast Journalism;radio news;news
  1. 广播新闻;所有人都听说了这个广为散布的谣言。

    The broadcast news ; everyone heard the broadcast rumors .

  2. 基于隐马尔可夫链的广播新闻分割分类

    Hidden Markov model based broadcast news segmentation and classification

  3. 我是谢丽尔·卡斯洛,这里是CNN广播新闻。

    I 'm Cheryl Castro , this is CNN Radio News .

  4. 我是托尼·安德拉斯,这里是今日CNN广播新闻。

    I 'm Tony Andras and this is CNN Radio News day .

  5. CNN广播新闻,我是李·格灵。

    CNN Radio News , I 'm Lee Gehring .

  6. 目前,在CollegeGreenlight上可以搜索到的奖学金信息包括:对有兴趣从事广播新闻或数字媒体行业的学生提供的10000美元奖励;

    Among the scholarships currently available on College Greenlight is a $ 10 , 000 award for a student interested in broadcast journalism or digital media ;

  7. 泰德。特纳最著名的业绩也许是创办了有线电视新闻网(CNN),许多人认为它是全球广播新闻的权威。

    Ted Turner is probably best known for his Cable News Network ( CNN ), which many people believe has become the global broadcast-news authority .

  8. 全省广播新闻传输管理网络平台的设计和实施&广东电台全省新闻统一平台建设实例分析

    Design and Implementation of Provincial Radio News Transmission Management Network Platform

  9. 第5频道将在10点广播新闻。

    Channel 5 will broadcast the news at 10 o'clock .

  10. 英语报纸与广播新闻语篇主位推进程序的对比研究

    Contrast Studies on Thematic Progression in English Newspaper and Broadcasting News Texts

  11. 北京电台每天早晨6点30分广播新闻。

    Radio Beijing broadcasts the news at 6:30 every morning .

  12. 是广播新闻专业怎么用这种眼神看我

    Yes . Broadcast journalism.Why are you looking at me like that ?

  13. 新闻提要在广播新闻节目中的地位浅析

    Position in Broadcasting the News Program of News Recap

  14. 早年就进入了广播新闻界。

    Broke into broadcast journalism at an early age .

  15. 从韵律学的角度对广播新闻导语的话语分析

    Discourse Analysis of Broadcast News Lead from Prosodic Perspective

  16. 与谈话语体相比,彰显广播新闻的规范性。

    The standardization of broadcast news can be seen comparing to speech style .

  17. 平民化&广播新闻改革的新亮点

    Nearer to the Common People & New Shining Point of Broadcasting News Reform

  18. 通过对比总结出广播新闻的语体特征。

    By contrast , this thesis summarizes the style characteristics of broadcast news .

  19. 广播新闻英语的功能语篇分析

    Functional Discourse Analysis of Radio News Report English

  20. 英语广播新闻语篇中的优先主目结构分析

    Preferred Argument Structure in English Broadcast News Discourse

  21. 广播新闻节目的编排与创新

    Editing and Innovation on News Program of Broadcasting

  22. 从广播新闻判断,美元将变得越来越强势。

    Judging from the radio news , the dollar will get stronger and stronger .

  23. 有一项是在当地建立一座无线电台,为留学生们广播新闻和信息。

    One is a local radio station which broadcasts news and information for learners .

  24. 音响对广播新闻的生命意义

    Vital Significance of Acoustics for the News Broadcast

  25. 规划我的未来就是这个广播新闻

    Following my future.there it is Broadcast journalism ?

  26. 广播新闻英语的词汇特点

    Lexical Features of Broadcast English News Reporting

  27. 本文旨在研究音调对于广播新闻结构所起的作用。

    This paper investigates the role of pitch in the organization of broadcast news discourse .

  28. 周三晚,奥巴马针对医疗保健问题举行了全国广播新闻发布会。

    He held a nationally broadcast news conference Wednesday night that centered on health care .

  29. 现场连线报道已成为当下广播新闻重要的报道形式。

    Spot connection of news broadcast has been an important means of present news reports .

  30. 美国广播新闻还报道,根据南卡罗莱纳法律,这只被捕获鳄鱼必须被处死。

    South Carolina law dictates that the alligator must be killed , according to ABC .