
  • 网络broadcast domain;Iu-BC
  1. 因此在相同的VLAN中的所有的端口当然也在相同的广播域中。

    Therefore , all ports that are in the same VLAN are also in the same broadcast domain .

  2. (VLAN)将其网络流量与同一网络上的其他VLAN流量进行逻辑隔离,从而作为一个独立的广播域。

    ( VLAN ) logically isolates its network traffic from that of other VLANs on the same network as a separate broadcast domain .

  3. 虚拟网(VLAN)在逻辑上等价于广播域。

    Logically , VLAN equals broadcasting lan .

  4. 为了分隔大的广播域,最有效的方法就是将一个完整的网络划分为多个能够隔离广播的子网络,这就是虚拟局域网VLAN的划分技术。

    Great for separating the broadcasting domain , the most effective way is a complete network can be divided into multiple isolated broadcast sub-networks , which is the division of VLAN technology .

  5. 为了进一步帮助可伸缩管理,每个SU有自己的广播域(路由SU-to-SU和SU-to-World通信&检查瓶颈)。

    To further aid in scalable management , each SU has its own broadcast domain ( SU-to-SU and SU-to-World communications are routed & check for bottlenecks ) .

  6. VLANs提供创建跨分布网络的虚拟网络的能力,这样就会出现不同的主机(在独立的网络上),如果它们是相同广播域的一部分。

    VLANs provide the ability to create virtual networks across a distributed network so that disparate hosts ( on independent networks ) appear as if they were part of the same broadcast domain .

  7. 桥定义广播域而交换机定义冲突域。

    E. Bridges define broadcast domain while switches define collision domains .

  8. 这些广播域内的其他任何流量管理器都会发送一条响应。

    Any other traffic managers within those broadcast domains send a response .

  9. 详细介绍了计算机局域网冲突域和广播域的基本知识,可以使用虚拟局域网技术来隔离广播域。

    This paper offers a detailed introduction to the basic knowledge on LAN collision area and broadcasting area .

  10. 流量管理器将向机器上各个端口的广播域发出一条集群检测消息。

    The traffic manager sends out a cluster detection message to the broadcast domains for each interface on the machine .

  11. 也减小了广播域,提高了网络性能和效率;

    Thus , the management level , security , performance and efficiency are improved , while broadcast area is reduced .

  12. 更具体来讲,它是为创建它的租户而保留的一个广播域,或者被显式配置为共享网段。

    More specifically , it is a broadcast domain reserved to the tenant that created it or explicitly configured as shared .

  13. 类似交换机,无线控制器不能分割广播域,因此无线局域网中容易发生广播风暴而引发网络瘫痪。

    Be similar to switches , AC can not split a broadcast domain , WLAN susceptible to broadcast storms caused network paralyzed .

  14. 虚拟网络把交换机组成的网络在逻辑上划分成若干个广播域,减少了每个域的广播流量,进一步提高了交换网络的性能。

    The virtual network which divided logically the network that composes with switch into several broadcast areas , reducing the flow in each area of broadcasting .

  15. 尽管路由器因可以分割广播域而熟知,但更重要也要记住它同时也分割冲突域。

    Even though routers are known for breaking up broadcast domains by default , it 's important to remember that they break up collision domains as well .

  16. 默认时,路由用来分割广播域,即一个网段上接听所有广播的所有设备的集合。

    Routers , by default , break up a broadcast domain , which is the set of all devices on a network segment that hear all broadcasts sent on that segment .

  17. 介绍了常见的园区网用户身份认证方法,并指出它们普遍存在的一个问题:在一个广播域内非法接入难以控制。

    This paper introduces commonly used methods of ID Authentication in a campus network and finds a common problem that it is difficult to control access unauthorized within the broadcast domain .

  18. 数字视频广播中的压缩域水印算法

    Compressed Domain Watermarking Algorithm in Digital Video Broadcasting