
  • 网络signal coupling
  1. RDSS射频信号耦合寄生小信号技术分析

    Analysis of the Parasitic Small Signal Coupling with RDSS RF Signal

  2. 本文将非共振简并四波混频的瞬态大信号耦合方程同一般激光器的输运方程相结合,给出了相位共轭激光器PCL的输运方程。

    The PCL transport equation is obtained by combining the transient large signal coupling equation of non-resonant degenerate four-wave mixing with the transport equation of an ordinary laser in this paper .

  3. MLC电路的混合混沌信号耦合同步方法及同步条件

    Chaotic Synchronization via Compound Chaotic Signal Coupling Method and its Sufficient Condition in MLC Circuit

  4. 射频识别(RFID)是利用无线电射频信号耦合(电感或电磁耦合)或雷达反射的传输特性,实现对被识别物体的自动识别。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) realizes automatic identification of the identified object by using of radio frequency signal coupled ( inductive or electromagnetic coupling ), or the transmission characteristics of radar reflectivity .

  5. 首先对信号耦合模型和耦合因素进行了相关分析,然后根据分析结论针对PDP具体电路进行了红黑混合设计研究、红黑信号串扰抑制研究和红电路辐射发射抑制研究。

    First it analyzed the signal coupling model and coupling factor , then it gave the research on the design of mix circuit 、 the restraining of crosstalk interference between red and black signal and the the restraining of the electromagnetic radiation of the red circuit .

  6. 结论50Hz工频磁场与相应配体一样,能诱导细胞膜EGF及TNF受体的聚簇,膜受体是电磁场可能的信号耦合位点之一。等强度的噪声磁场可干预工频磁场对细胞膜受体聚簇的诱导。

    Conclusion Clustering of EGF and TNF receptors on the cell membrane could be induced by 50 Hz MF , suggesting that membrane receptors would be one of the sites where MF signals coupled , and noise MF with the same intensity could inhibit these effects .

  7. 文中设计了一个能有效减小低压电力线的低阻抗影响的功率匹配和增益平衡电路,用来将信号耦合到电力线上,其传输频带为0.1MHz~30.0MHz。

    This paper examines the design of a power line matching and gain equalization unit capable of providing wide-band mitigation of the effects of low impedance loads on PLC at frequencies ranging from 0.1 MHz to 30 MHz .

  8. 基于变量与周期信号耦合的混沌控制

    Chaos Control based on the Coupling of Variables to Periodical Signals

  9. 自聚焦透镜装配误差对光信号耦合效率的影响

    Effect of GRIN Lens Misalignment on Coupling Efficiency of Optical Signals

  10. 基于低压电力线通信的信号耦合电路设计

    Design of Coupling Circuit for Communications in Low - voltage Power Line

  11. 在超声波探伤信号耦合的理论和方法上,填补了国内空白。

    The theory and method of ultrasonic inspection signal coupling have filled the country blank .

  12. 通过对比研究,选用改进的信号耦合模型进行仿真研究。

    Through the comparative research , the paper chooses the improved signal coupling model for the simulation research .

  13. 该电容可将来自于触点的噪声或其它信号耦合至控制线,相反亦然。

    This capacitance can couple noise or other signals from the contacts to the control lines , and vice versa .

  14. 电力线耦合装置是电力线载波通信系统中关键环节之一,一个安全、高效、简易的高频载波信号耦合装置是实现电力线通信的基础。

    The coupling device is one of the most important devices for the power line communication systems . A convenient , safe and high efficiency couple device is the basis to realize power line communication of high frequency carrier signal .

  15. PWM模拟信号光电耦合隔离电路的研制

    Development of a PWM analog signal photocoupler isolation circuit

  16. 本文提出一种运用PWM(脉冲调宽)原理设计低价格、低漂移、高线性模拟信号光电耦合隔离电路的方案。

    This paper provides a scheme of PWM analog signal photocouplcr isolation circuit with a low cost , low drift and high linearity .

  17. 射频识别技术简称RFID,该技术将无线技术和自动识别技术相结合,利用射频信号通过耦合方式实现对目标的信息传递和识别。

    Radio frequency identification technology referred to as RFID . This technology combines with wireless and identifies technology , use of radio frequency signal to transmit information and identifying target information .

  18. 周视平台多传感器信号传输耦合技术研究

    Panoramic Platform Multispectral Sensor Optical Signal 's Transmissions Coupling Technique

  19. 低压电力线载波通讯信道的分析与载波信号注入耦合电路的设计

    Analysis of low voltage power line carrior communication and circuit design of signal inject and inspect

  20. 首先采用分离电极方法消除了驱动模态位移电流对敏感模态输出信号的耦合;

    The coupling between the displacement current in drive mode and the output current in detection mode was largely canceled by using split electrode at centre electrode .

  21. 同直流信号直接耦合处理相比,交流信号耦合虽然要增设调制解调装置,但对后级信号处理电路的器件要求更低,信噪比更高。

    Compared with DC coupling signal processing , it need lower requirement of signal processing circuit and have the merit of high signal-to-noise performance although it require the device of modem .

  22. 为了加强本征约瑟夫逊结(简称本征结)与高频电磁波信号的耦合,我们通过平面工艺手段获得了厚度小于伦敦穿透深度的超薄单晶基底,其厚度小于150nm。

    In order to increase the coupling between intrinsic Josephson junctions and high-frequency signal sources , we have successfully fabricated ultra thin single crystals , whose thicknesses are less than London penetration depth (~ 150nm ) .

  23. 实验表明,三种信号的耦合方向相同,并且正常信号的耦合作用最强,室性早搏次之,房性早搏最弱。

    Experiments show that three types of signal coupling are in the same direction . The coupling of the normal signals is the strongest ; following is premature ventricular contractions ; and atrial premature beat is the weakest .

  24. 在光纤迈克尔逊干涉仪的基础上,采用光纤准直器作为探头,实现光纤和待测振动表面之间光信号的耦合,从而实现非接触测量。

    On the basis of the optical fiber Michelson interferometer , we use an optical fiber collimator as probe to realize optical signal coupling between optical fiber and the surface of vibration , so as to realize non-contact measurement .

  25. 雷达系统天线的角度标校包括对系统角误差灵敏度(又称定向灵敏度)的标定、方位俯仰信号交叉耦合的调整以及对天线轴系误差、动态滞后等系统误差的标定。

    Angular calibration of radar antenna system is composed of the calibration of angular error sensitivities ( also called directional sensitivity ), adjustment of cross-coupling of azimuth and elevation signals , and the calibrations of system errors such as antenna axial system error , dynamic delay and so on .

  26. RFID技术使用射频信号通过空间耦合的交变磁场或辐射电磁场进行传输,根据其负载的信息,实现通信及识别目的。

    RFID uses RF signals through space coupling an alternating magnetic field or radiated electromagnetic fields to achieve communication and identification .

  27. 射频识别技术(RFID:RadioFrequencyIdentification)是一项利用射频信号通过空间耦合实现非接触式信息传递,并使用此信息来达到识别目的的一项技术。

    RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification ) is a technology that incorporates the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic coupling in the radio frequency ( RF ) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object .

  28. RFID技术利用射频信号通过空间耦合(电磁感应或电磁传播)的方式来实现信息无接触式传递并且与标识物进行信息的交换以达到识别物体的目的。

    RFID technology uses radio frequency signals to realize objects and transfer information through space coupling ( electromagnetic induction or electromagnetic transmission ) without any contacting .

  29. RFID系统利用射频信号通过空间耦合进行双向信息传输,实现对待识别物体的自动识别和数据采集。

    RFID systems achieve auto-identification and data-gathering of the object to be identified by utilizing space coupling of radio frequency signal to conduct two-way transmission of signals .

  30. 基于混合混沌信号的单向耦合方法,研究MLC(Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua)电路混沌同步问题;

    Based on unidirectionally coupling method , the synchronization through compound chaotic signal is studied .