
  • 网络Provision of resources;Providing Resources
  1. 备注:上述质量管理体系所须之过程包括管理活动、资源提供、产品实现与量测等过程。

    Note : processes needed for the quality management system referred to above should include processes for management activities , provision of resources , product realization and measurement .

  2. 过程的方法将通过对过程的识别和建立、资源提供、绩效指标监测、持续改进等活动来管理过程,使过程增值。

    Process method will process through the identification and establishment , provision of resources , performance indicators for monitoring , continuous improvement and other activities to manage the process , making the process added-value .

  3. 在众多的资源提供程序中有一个是URL提供程序。

    One of the resource providers is a URL provider .

  4. 使用本地服务层或者JAVAapplet数字签名机制,为Applet存取本地资源提供有效手段。

    Use local service layer and Java Applet numeric underwrite mechanism to reading and writing the local resource .

  5. ApacheWink通过@Scope注释为提供者和资源提供其他生命周期。

    Apache Wink offers other life cycles for providers and resources through the @ Scope annotation .

  6. 调查结果为开发利用VAM资源提供了基础资料。

    The investigated results provide a basal information for the exploration and utilization of VAM resources .

  7. 通过多年检索教学实践经验,对Internet学术信息采集中的常见文件格式进行了总结,为科技工作者利用网络信息资源提供帮助。

    Through many years ' practice of the retrieval teaching , this paper sums up the common file format in the collection of the academic information from Internet in order to provide the helps for sci-tech workers to use the network information resources .

  8. MTF包含一些对文件和EMF资源提供默认支持的扩展包,ecore和ws就是其中两个。

    The ecore and ws packages are some of the extensions shipped with MTF that provide default support for files and EMF resources .

  9. 两个系统上的VIOS必须能够向迁移分区使用的所有存储资源提供虚拟访问。

    The VIOS on both systems must be capable of providing virtual access to all storage resources that the mobile partition is using .

  10. 指出通过筛选不同的微生物菌株,可望实现发酵豆制品高产GABA,为发酵豆制品成为获得GABA的新资源提供了新的思路。

    It was hopeful to improve the yield of GABA in fermented soybean products by screening novel microbial strains , which supplied a new prospective pathway to obtain GABA from fermented soybean products .

  11. 在分区环境中,此工具还可以用作(配合DLPAR)资源提供工具。

    You can also use it ( with DLPAR ) as a resource provisioning tool in a partitioned environment .

  12. 一旦理解了TAMOS的概念,您就能在本机操作系统提供的保护之外为系统资源提供更好的保护。

    Once you understand the concepts of TAMOS , you will be in a better position to provide security to your system resources on top of that provided by the native operating system .

  13. 意义和创新1、掌握湖南省肺结核发病率的时空分布情况,应用ARIMA数学模型对湖南省肺结核发病率进行了预测,为湖南省确定重点预防和控制区域,合理分配卫生资源提供借鉴。

    Analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution of the TB incidence in Hunan province , predicted the TB incidence by ARIMA mathematical model . Found the focus region which needs to be controlled and prevented , so provide a reference to allocate the health resources rationally . 2 .

  14. 通过近年来云计算技术的发展和应用,以taaS(基础设施即服务)为代表的云计算方式相对于传统IT资源提供方式所带来的优势越来越突出。

    With the development and application of cloud computing in recent years , the cloud computing approach which is represented by laaS ( Infrastructure as a Service ) is more and more prominent with respect to the manner of traditional IT .

  15. 电大图书馆的教学辅助资源提供

    The Supply of Resources Used to Assist Learning in the Library of TV University

  16. 这些数据为发酵培养开发利用真菌资源提供了新资料。

    These results determined have proved new data on further exploiting and utilizing fungal resources .

  17. 在预先计划阶段创建里程碑有助于为引入附加资源提供清楚的理由

    Creating milestones in the preplanning stage helps make a clear case for bringing in additional resources

  18. 借此为初中英语教师开发英语课程资源提供参考和借鉴。

    The paper aims at providing reference while junior high school teachers developing English curriculum resources .

  19. 由在滨海盐化潮土上合理开发利用这些植物资源提供了依据。

    It provides the experimental basis for ration development of plant resource in coastal saline Chao soil .

  20. 网格系统为管理和调度跨越不同区域的资源提供了一种虚拟框架。

    Grid systems can provide a virtual framework for management and scheduling of resources across different domains .

  21. 此次评价为该地区地下水的污染治理和保护其地下水资源提供了科学的依据。

    The evaluation offered scientific evidence for the prevention and control of groundwater pollution of the zone .

  22. 股票市场是资本市场的核心,它为社会资源提供了再配置的场所,而这种资源再配置是建立在对上市公司经营业绩的评价机制上的。

    The security market , especially the stock market provides a medium for the reallocation of capital .

  23. 在此情况下,将配置客户端主动请求资源提供其最新状态。

    In this case , the client is configured to actively ask the resource for its latest state .

  24. 同时,为用户可交互式的和安全的访问网格资源提供了透明的、与资源物理位置无关的、统一的服务接口,增强了系统的可用性和可扩展性。

    Finally , provide a uniform service interface for users and improved usability and scalability for the system .

  25. 研究结果可以为干旱、半干旱地区人工造林和高效利用水资源提供依据和参考。

    It could represent effective information for utilization of water resource and afforestation in arid and semiarid areas .

  26. 文章综述了它们在生物学、药理学、毒理学、化学及人工培养等方面的研究进展,为国内进一步开发利用这一虫草资源提供参考。

    The information about which will offer some references for further exploiting and utilizing this Cordyceps resources in China .

  27. 生态功能区划的提出从生态学的角度,为科学合理、可持续性的保护和利用生态环境及自然资源提供了依据和方向。

    The ecological function regionalization , has provided basis and direction for science protection reasonable and sustainable development of ecosystem .

  28. 基于角色的授权通过仅将资源提供给已分配相应角色的用户来保护资源。

    Role-based authorization protects resources by only making them available to users who have been assigned to the appropriate role .

  29. 为合理使用和配置国家级卫生应急人力资源提供理论依据和政策建议。

    Brings forward some policy suggestions and supplies theory basis of reasonable use and allocation of health emergency human resources .

  30. 从而为合理开发利用地热流体资源提供了地质依据。

    These may provide a geological basis for the proper development and utilization of the geothermal fluid in this district .