
  • 网络Capital risk;financial risks
  1. 国家只要采取正确的政策,就可以大幅提高服务覆盖面,防范任何特定开支造成资金风险。

    Countries that adopt the right policies can achieve vastly improved service coverage and protection against financial risks for any given level of expenditure .

  2. 资本联盟是指企业的目的是减少与项目有关的资金风险。

    Financial Alliances . A financial alliance is a functional alliance of firms that want to reduce the financial risks associated with a project .

  3. 笔者对以往实施MBO所暴露出许多诸如收购主体、收购价格、收购资金风险等问题及对策提出拙见。

    Through implement of MBO in the past , it has exposed a lot of question , such as purchasing main part , purchasing price , purchasing fund hazard .

  4. 通过分析,JT集团面临的主要财务风险分为:债务风险;资金风险;投资风险;资产质量风险;成本竞争力风险;内部控制风险。

    By analyzing , JT Group facing major financial risks are divided into : debt risk ; financial risk ; investment risk ; asset quality risk ; cost-competitive risks ; internal control risk .

  5. 非理性的繁荣:高校资金风险的政治经济学分析

    Irrational Prosperity : the Political Economy Analysis of Higher Education Capital Risk

  6. 论政策性银行资金风险管理及内控制度建设

    On the Capital Risk Management and Internal Control System Construction in Policy-Related Banks

  7. 石油企业资金风险预警与控制问题探讨

    Warning and Control of Capital Risk in Oil Corporation

  8. 规避军队战备工程建设资金风险的对策

    A Research on Risk Control of Construction Funds in Engineering for Preparedness against War

  9. 企业家做生意需要的资金风险资本家有吗?

    Do VCs have money that entrepreneurs want and need to execute their plans ?

  10. 资金风险在创业初期会一直伴随在创业者的左右。

    The risk of capital shortage will be always as problems for all startups .

  11. 人民银行国库资金风险点的查找与防范

    Search and Prevention of National Treasury Risks of the People 's Bank of China

  12. 工程承包资金风险的防范天然林保护工程资金管理建议

    KEEPING AWAY FROM CAPITAL RISK IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING Capital management of natural forest conservation engineering

  13. 在高利润率的背后房地产行业又隐藏着资金风险、房屋质量较差、IT信息投资额使用不足等一系列问题。

    Capital risk , building quality problem , IT insufficient investment hide behind the high profit .

  14. 系统试验完成后再投入使用可以减少资金风险。

    It may be less of a financial risk to commission the system properly after practical completion .

  15. 不在市场中进行,没有任何实际资金风险的买卖过程。

    The process of buying and selling without actually entering the market or risk any real funds .

  16. 虽然巴克莱与国开行的合作没有任何资金风险,但回报可能也要少一些。

    While Barclays ' partnership with CDB may not have put any capital at risk , there could be less to gain .

  17. 如果没有合理的激励制度以及有效的监控,就将导致采购资金风险。

    If there are no rational incentive system and effective control , it will lead to the risk of the purchase fund .

  18. 指出只有实现了人的理性化,才是规避高校资金风险管理的最佳途径。

    It points out that the best way to avoid the risk of higher education capital management is by means of rationalizing humans .

  19. 会计国库股是县(市)人民银行防范和规避资金风险的要害部位。

    Accounting exchequer stock is the vital part in county ( city ) People 's Bank to guard against and avoid capital risk .

  20. 然后深入剖析信息不对称状态下采购资金风险形成机理:分工与专业化导致信息不对称,信息不对称导致代理人的逆向选择和道德风险。

    Division of labour and specialization cause the informational asymmetry , and the informational asymmetry causes the agent 's adverse selection and moral hazard .

  21. 若它们投资于流动性较低的资产,例如是银行贷款,便要承担流动资金风险。

    When investing in assets that cannot be readily sold , as in the case of many bank loans , they incur liquidity risks .

  22. 由于通货膨胀风险的存在,投资项目的预期收益会发生改变,从而产生投资项目的资金风险。

    Because currency inflation risk exists , the desired profits of investment projects will be changed , and lead to capital risk of investment projects .

  23. 分析承建工程可能出现的资金风险,提出承建工程风险的防范措施和对策。

    On the basis of analyzing capital risk in construction contracting , some measures and countermeasures are put forward to keep away form capital risk .

  24. 目前,大部分高校的贷款已经远远超出其承受范围,极大地提高了高校的资金风险。

    At present , most universities ' loan has been far beyond its affordable and greatly improved the funding risks of the universities and colleges .

  25. 强化基础管理,加强监督检查和问题整改,解决基础管理薄弱带来的违规操作和资金风险问题。

    Irregularities and capital risk problems that induced by weak basic management will be solved by strengthening basic management , supervision , inspection and problem rectification .

  26. 加强应收账款管理防范呆坏资金风险风险投资是指公司收集资金用于新的投资项目。

    Strengthening the Management of Account Receivable and Avoiding the Risk of Bad Debt ; Venture capital is money raised by companies to finance new ventures .

  27. 但在赛事的商务开发、商业赞助策略、无形资产的开发以及资金风险控制方面存在不足。

    However , deficiency existed in terms of the development of match related business affairs , commercial sponsoring strategy , intangible asset development , and capital risk control .

  28. 技术创新风险产生于开发产品的技术风险、生产风险、市场风险、资金风险以及管理风险;

    Technological innovation risk is resulted from the technology risk in the product developing process , the production risk , market risk , capital risk and management risk ;

  29. 消费者在网上购买服装产品时遇到的质量风险、资金风险等因素会较显著地影响消费者的网上购买意愿。

    When consumers buy online apparel products , they may meet quality risk and liquidity risk , which will affect the real consumers ' willingness of online purchasing significantly .

  30. 笔者所在的单位就是一个担负着整个河南省高速公路建设管理重任的国有独资公司,为提高公司管理效率、有效降低管理建设资金风险,研究高速公路内部控制势在必行。

    The unit where the author works is responsible for a highway construction and management of the entire task of Henan Province , and it is the state-owned sole proprietorship .