
huá dá ní
  • gabardine
华达呢 [huá dá ní]
  • [gabardine;whipcord] 用羊毛、粘胶、涤纶或其他纱线织成的紧密急斜纹织物

  1. 在近期的秀台上,普拉达(Prada)、马丁·马吉拉时装屋(MaisonMargiela)和朗万(Lanvin)推出了微调版风衣,用尼龙或皮料代替传统的华达呢,后面这种面料是托马斯·博柏利(ThomasBurberry)1879年发明的。

    At recent runway shows , Prada , Maison Margiela and Lanvin presented trimmer options , in nylon or leather instead of the traditional gabardine invented by Thomas Burberry in 1879 .

  2. 标签上写着是用华达呢做的。

    It says on the label it 's made of gabardine .

  3. 她穿着深红色华达呢雨衣。

    She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat .

  4. 无论怀孕与否,Hatch真丝连体衣、华达呢风衣和飘逸长裙的吸引力都是显而易见的。

    The appeal of Hatch 's silky jumpsuits , gaberdine trenches and flowing dresses is apparent , whether a customer is pregnant or not .

  5. 我穿着父米的浅褐色华达呢衣服。

    I was wearing my father 's beige gabardine .

  6. 用老机新染整工艺提高全毛华达呢质量的探讨

    Increasing the all wool gabardine quality by the old machine but new dyeing-and-finishing craft

  7. 竹炭改性涤纶纤维/棉混纺针织物性能的研究棉涤纶混纺色织华达呢

    Research on Property of Bamboo-carbon Modified Polyester Fiber and Cotton Fiber Blended Knitted Fabric

  8. 塞尔和福德应用了9X15厘米的密绩白色棉华达呢袋。

    Serr and Forde used 9 X 15cm bags of tightly woven white cotton gabardine .

  9. 丝光华达呢拉链衬里大衣

    Sheen gabardine zip-lined coat

  10. 每位女飞行员都置办了一身行头:一套夏天穿的卡其色衬衫、裤子和冬天穿的陆军绿色华达呢制服。

    Each pilot purchased her uniform : khaki shirts and trousers for summer and Army green gabardine for winter .

  11. 华达呢结实紧密的棉毛织品或人造丝斜纹布棉纱人造丝混合织物

    A sturdy , tightly woven fabric of cotton , wool , or rayon twill . cotton and artificial silk mixture

  12. 斜纹组织织物包括:粗斜纹棉布、三页细斜纹布、华达呢、斜纹软绸、鲨皮布、某些法兰绒织物、粗花呢等。

    Examples of fabrics made by the twill weave include denim , Jean , gabardine , surah , sharkskin , some flannel fabrics and some tweeds .

  13. 我们有亚麻、棉布、羊毛料、呢绒、华达呢、丝绸等等。用亚麻下脚料生产湿法非织造布的工艺研究

    We have linen , cotton , woolen cloth , stuff , gaberdine , silk and so on . Study on process of producing wet-laid nonwovens with flax tow

  14. 她津津有味地表述了那一幕:墨黑的面料,双层华达呢的高雅品质,缝纫扣子的完美方式,无与伦比的衬里。

    She set the scene with relish : the inky fabric , double gaberdine of exquisite quality , the immaculate way the buttons were sewn , the lining which was matchless .

  15. 基夫圆脸庞,笑容可掬,穿着格子纹的运动衫和华达呢便裤。我做的唯一运动,是从一件衬衫拿下领扣、然后把它放在另一件衬衫上。

    The affable Keefe , a friendly smile on his cherubic countenance , was attired in a checked sports jacket and gabardine slacks . The only exercise I get be when I take the stud out of one shirt and put them In another .