
  • 网络Cadenza
  1. 通过自身学习演奏此曲,笔者对该曲中的华彩段作了深入的研究,并希望通过写作此论文,把自己的研究心得和引发的一些思考加以总结。

    Through practicing this concerto , I conduct in-depth study about the cadenza of it and hope to summarize my thoughts and learning from the study .

  2. 在那些有众多演奏者和作曲者为之创作华彩段的经典协奏曲中,最有代表性的作品之一便是贝多芬D大调小提琴协奏曲。

    Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major is the most representative among all the classic concerto which many performers and composers created cadenza for .

  3. 巴赫对于华彩段的运用,从而为我们今后更好地学习和诠释18世纪的钢琴协奏曲提供有益的帮助。

    Bach , which will help us further study the piano concertos in the 18th century .

  4. 这部协奏曲通篇都在展示羽管键琴和演奏者的技巧,特别是第一乐章繁长的独奏华彩段。

    The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player , especially in the lengthy solo'cadenza'to the first movement .