
  • 网络leitmotiv;Leitmotif;leimotiv
  1. 对意大利歌剧音乐表现手法的创新之处主要体现在剧中主导动机的使用等方面。

    The innovations of the techniques on Italian opera music are mainly embodied in the leitmotiv and the other aspects .

  2. 此外,主导动机贯穿的手法则是巴托克在运用现代的音乐语言的基础上对贝多芬晚期的贯穿曲式的继承与发扬。

    In addition , by carrying forward and developing Beethoven 's cyclic form on the base of modern musical language , Bartok created leading motive technique .

  3. 声乐特点是新颖的宣叙&咏叹风格、独特的戏剧情境下的抒情段落和冲突型的重唱;器乐特点主要从微型序曲和标题性主导动机以及调性布局几方面研究。

    Vocal music is characterized by innovative arioso-recitative , the unique lyrical paragraphs and the conflicting trio . And the instrumental musical characteristics research from the micro-overture , leitmotiv and tonality distribution .

  4. 常熟市中学生体育生活方式的特征主要有:以强身健体、休闲娱乐等原始动机为体育需求的主导动机;体育生活内容丰富。

    The characteristics of the middle school students ' sports lifestyle in Changshu middle schools are mainly : Students do sports for physical fitness and entertainment as the dominant motivations . Sports activities are rich .

  5. 第三部分通过对剧中主要人物及其他们主导动机的研究,分析了全剧的戏剧结构,揭示了全剧中音乐与戏剧的关系。

    In the third part , due to the research of main characters and their leading motivation , which generalize the outlines of dramatic structure , and the play reveals the relationship between music and drama .

  6. 初中生亲社会行为动机中主导型动机在不同年级(年龄)、性别、学校、成绩、关系远近以及事情紧急程度上方面表现出一定的变化。

    The dominant type of prosocial behavior motivation differs in grade , gender , situation and district .

  7. 第五,北京市高校学生学习武术散打的动机中积极因素占主导地位,动机中完全忽略了散打的竞技性。

    The Beijing Wushu Sanda University student motivation positive factors in the dominant motivation are completely ignoring the competitive nature of Sanda .

  8. 人的行为受多种动机的支配,但就其特定行为而言,必然有其起主导作用的优势动机。

    Human behavior is dominated by various kinds of motivations , among which there should be some leading ones as far as a specific behavior is concerned .