
  • 网络voluntary recall
  1. 咖啡连锁店星巴克(starbucks)以危及儿童安全为由,对中国制造的产品发布了主动召回通知,成为最新一个采取此类措施的美国企业。

    Starbucks , the coffee shop chain , has become the latest US company to issue a voluntary recall of Chinese - made products because of child safety concerns .

  2. 在周六Castleberry主动召回的范围扩大到罐装肉制品。

    On Saturday , Castleberry 's expanded its voluntary recall of canned meat products .

  3. ETHEX公司进行主动召回这项预防措施,是因为在某些尚未分散的批次里发现了少量的超大片。

    ETHEX Corporation is conducting this precautionary , voluntary recall because it found a small number of oversized tablets in lots which had not yet been distributed .

  4. 强制召回较之主动召回,更适合中国的国情。

    Forced recall is more suitable for china than voluntary recall .

  5. 该组织宣称,潜在的药物滥用,而并非产品安全问题导致了这次主动召回。

    Potential misuse of the medications , not product safety , is driving the voluntary withdrawal , the group said .

  6. 不过与其他官方的主动召回不同,特斯拉的车主不需要把汽车送到代理商那里维修。

    But unlike other official voluntary recalls , Tesla owners didn 't have to bring their cars to a dealership for a fix .

  7. 近日,苹果公司主动召回了大批双插交流电源插头转换器,因为这些插头曾出现了破损和触电等事故。

    Apple has issued a voluntary recall of millions of its two-prong AC wall plugs after incidents of them breaking and causing electric shocks .

  8. 新的法令规定,公司如果自己主动召回产品可以免于处罚或者减轻处罚。

    Companies that issue recalls on their own will face no penalties or less stringent penalties for safety violations , the new law says .

  9. 强生公司主动召回它的一种止痛贴“多瑞吉”,因为制造方面的问题可能导致意外过量。

    Johnson & Johnson is voluntarily recalling a version of its blockbuster pain patch Duragesic because of manufacturing issues that could lead to accidental overdoses .

  10. 产品召回程序的规范,包括规定产品主动召回程序、规定产品指令召回程序及规定产品召回的简易程序。

    Product recall procedure , including provisions for product recall procedure , active specified products mandatory recall procedures and regulations of product recall summary procedure .

  11. USPlabs公司主动召回了这款减脂产品,原因是此前美国食品和药物管理局称该产品会引起肝脏疾病。

    USPlabs is voluntarily recalling the product which is marked as a fat burner after the Food and Drug Administration says it links to liver illness .

  12. 因此,我国汽车业应该走克服困难,创造条件,稳中求急。求快的主动召回路。

    So China automotive industry should go the way of " overcoming difficulties , creating conditions and actively recall as soon as possible in a steady situation " .

  13. 上周,在听证会之前,一些感冒咳嗽药的主要制造商宣布主动召回约十几种婴儿感冒药。

    Last week , in advance of the hearings , some of the leading manufacturers of cold and cough medicines announced a voluntary recall of more than a dozen cold medicines for infants .

  14. 首个对簿公堂的诉讼将在洛杉矶发起【本周三,丰田还因安全带隐患主动召回了342000辆塔克马(Tocoma)皮卡】。

    But even though gas now costs nearly $ 4 per gallon , the Volt has failed to catch on only 11,643 have been sold this year and GM has cut its price by $ 5,000 .

  15. 目前在国外实行的汽车召回制度主要有两种模式:一是以美国为代表的自主认证、强制召回模式;二是欧洲执行的强制认证、主动召回模式。

    The automotive recall system carried out currently in foreign countries at present time consists mainly of two modes : One is a self - approval and forced recall mode represented by America , and the other is a forced approval and actively re-calling mode carried out in Europe .