
  • 网络Fashion Media
  1. 自订婚消息传出以来,新娘凯特·米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)已经成为每一场时尚媒体发布会的焦点人物,而现在,她又将被看作是英国时尚界的一个标志。

    The bride , Kate Middleton , has been the focus of every fashion media outlet since the engagement news broke and is now going to be looked at as British fashion icon .

  2. 斯温生挑出某些行业如时尚产业和媒体,这些地方的问题比较严重。她还呼吁民众拨打薪酬和工作权利热线0800-917-2368。

    Swinson singled out certain sectors such as the fashion industry and the media , where problems were more acute and encouraged people to contact the Pay and Work Rights Helpline on 0800 917 2368 .

  3. 玛莉居全球美女排行榜之冠。这份名单由时尚、艺术、媒体以及整型专家汇编。

    Mary tops the list of global beauties , compiled by experts of fashion , arts , the media and plastic surgery .

  4. 时尚类杂志在今天已经发展成为了继电视媒体之后第二大的时尚信息传播媒体,这样的传播地位就不得不引来学界对此的关注。

    Fashion magazine today has become the second largest of television media after the fashion of information media , such status would have led to the spread of this academic concerns .