
  • 网络TRAVELER;National Geographic Traveler;Trends Traveler;National Geography Traveler
  1. 乡村体验旅游是一种时尚旅游,是乡村旅游发展的重要趋势之一。

    The rural experience tourism is a fashionable tourism and is one of the important tendencies of the development of the rural experience tourism .

  2. 现代流行于世界的五大时尚旅游即生态旅游、沙漠旅游、探险旅游、文化旅游和海洋(水体)旅游,内蒙古地区全部拥有。

    The five popular types of travel are ecological travel , desert travel , adventure travel , culture travel and ocean ( water ) travel .

  3. 汽车露营旅游作为一种时尚旅游,在我国日益兴盛,伴随自驾车旅游兴起,汽车露营地的开发、建设和保护得到了国内外学者的重视。

    As fashion tourism , car camping tourism is on the rise in our country . With the booming of the " self-drive travel " in China , the development , construction and protection of vehicle campsites have got the attention of scholars both at home and abroad .

  4. 旅游农业是新兴的农业领域和当今人们时尚的旅游新产品,无论在国内或国外,旅游农业的发展都很快。

    Tour agriculture is a newly arisen agriculture realm and a new tour product with vogue . It is developing very quickly both in domestic and abroad .

  5. 喜欢读书,特别是财经,国家地理,农业,时尚服饰,旅游,养生等方面的杂志。

    Like reading , especially finance , national geographic , agriculture , fashionable dress , travel , health and other aspects of the magazine .

  6. 背包旅游作为一种时尚的自助旅游形式,为有相当独立旅行能力的旅游者所钟爱。

    As one of the fashionable independent travel forms , backpacker travel has become a favorite travel pattern for those who are capable of traveling independently .

  7. 游艇旅游作为一种新兴的、时尚的现代旅游形式,符合旅游者户外运动、休闲娱乐、挑战自然的旅游理念。

    As a newly emerging and modern mode of tourism , yachting tourism can satisfy the travelers ' needs of having outdoor activities , enjoying recreation and challenging the nature .

  8. 宁波市湖泊、河段以及海洋资源丰富,并以此为依托,建设成为时尚水都品牌旅游城市。

    Ningbo are rich of lakes , rivers as well as marine resources , based on this , it will constructs into the brand " City of fashionable water " tourist city .

  9. 健康时尚,喜欢运动旅游!彼此不约束!

    Healthy fad , delighted motion tour ! Each other do not restrain !

  10. 休闲杂志,有关室内装修、艺术、时尚、娱乐和旅游等。

    Monthly magazine on interiors , architecture , art , fashion , entertaining and travel information .

  11. 影视与旅游均是一种时尚,影视与旅游的结合更是一种时尚。

    Commissioner for Television and tourism are both fashion , film and tourism is a combination of more fashionable .

  12. 露营,作为一种时尚前卫的户外旅游方式,已经越来越为渴望健康时尚生活的人们所喜爱和追捧。

    Camping as a trendy sort of outdoor tourism is favored by more and more people aspiring to the fashionable life .

  13. 它的外形是最流行的赛车型,非常帅气,是当代时尚的小青年旅游的必备佳品。

    Its appearance is the most popular game models , is very handsome , is contemporary fashionable young tourist necessary to taste .

  14. 保持理性、建设性是它的基本风格。共分封面故事、时尚、雅居、旅游、健康、数码等板块。

    The contents separate into several parts , which included cover story , fashion , home , journey , health , digital and so on .

  15. 作为当代时尚行业之一的旅游业,影响其兴衰的游客满意度成为探讨话题之一。

    Tourists ' satisfaction , influencing the rise and fall of tourism which is one of the popular industries at present , has become one of the discussing topics .

  16. 做为一种旅游吸引物,由于对这种旅游吸引物需求上的差异,也由此成为当前我国较为时尚和流行的旅游活动方式,并在需求上呈现出了不同的形态特点。

    As a kind of tourist attraction , because of different demands , it thus become more fashionable and popular tourism approach in China and the demand show different morphological features .