
  • 网络FASHION;Fashion Clothes;fashion apparel;Clothes
  1. 皮革牛仔裤是这一季必备的时尚服饰。

    Leather jeans are the must-have fashion item of the season .

  2. 她和在线时尚服饰零售商数码时尚(DigitalFashion)合作开发了这套算法。

    A tie-up with online fashion retailers Digital Fashion generated that algorithm .

  3. 以ZARA为代表的快速时尚服饰提供商,通过加强运营管理,优化供应链体系,在时尚服饰行业里取得巨大成功。

    The fast-fashion apparel , represented by ZARA , has been gaining a great success by optimize the supply chain system and operation management .

  4. HOPERISE面向中高端城市精英男士,提供最适合高端人士非正式场合男士时尚服饰。

    HOPERISE targets elite man in mid and large cities and provides fashion dress for elites in unofficial occasion .

  5. 使用范围:合适各类女装,童装等时尚服饰。

    Application : It 's the best choice of Women 's Wear and Fashion Garments .

  6. 通过时尚服饰、手机、如今还有汽车,品牌选择正让这个迄今仍然姓“社”的社会分出阶层。

    Via fashion accessories , mobile phones and now cars , brand choices are stratifying a hitherto Communist society .

  7. 最近,无尾礼服(背离了原有的目的)也已成为一种时尚服饰。

    More recently , the dinner jacket , divorced from its purpose , has become a fashion item too .

  8. 学生时期她就在法国一家高级时尚服饰公司当模特儿赚外快。

    While she was a student there , she earned extra money by modeling for one of the top fashion houses in France .

  9. 女士时尚服饰公司七格格的创始人曾经尝试传统的实体店模式,然而却未成功。

    The founders of ( translated as seven princesses ) , a women 's fashion firm , tried the bricks-and-mortar route but flopped .

  10. 喜欢读书,特别是财经,国家地理,农业,时尚服饰,旅游,养生等方面的杂志。

    Like reading , especially finance , national geographic , agriculture , fashionable dress , travel , health and other aspects of the magazine .

  11. 该中心会最终建成仓库的形式。派件时,时尚服饰会用纸盒来包装。同时,还会建立特殊的服饰悬挂货架和轨道运送系统。

    The facility will be purpose built to warehouse and dispatch fashion garments in cartons and will also feature a hanging garment racking and rail transport system .

  12. 但有经验的人都知道这些“幸运包”里通常装的是折扣很多的时尚服饰和单品,这在眼下的经济危机时期尤其“诱人”。

    But experienced shoppers know that they are often filled with fashionable accessories and clothes at a substantial discount , which makes them especially desirable during the current financial crisis .

  13. 我们要做的只是正确地审视自己的文化,审视这个时代,以积极平和的心态去面对,使中国传统民族服饰文化和时尚服饰文化之间达到相互借鉴,取长补短,和谐发展。

    What we have to do is to properly examine our own culture , survey the age , face calmly it with a positive attitude so that the Chinese traditional costume culture and fashion co.

  14. 美泰赋予了芭比更加现代的外表和一系列时尚服饰,并且正在进行一项新的市场推广活动,迪克森形容该活动为“俗气、有趣、很酷”。

    Mattel has given the doll a more modern look , a range of fashionable clothing and is running a new marketing campaign that Mr Dickson says is " kitschy , fun and cool " .

  15. 接着再通过对土家族民族服饰结合现代时尚服饰成功发展的市场性、必要性、有效性进行分析,得出土家族民族服饰结合现代时尚服饰成功发展的可行性。

    Then through the tujia national dress combined with modern and fashionable dress successful development of marketability , necessity and effectiveness for analysis , that tujia ethnic dress combined with modern and fashionable dress the feasibility of successful development .

  16. 通过阐述款式各异的晚礼服及其颜色、面料的搭配与应用,本文揭示出传统与时尚服饰的结合美,表达了人们对晚礼服的审美情趣。

    By elaborating many different styles of evening dress and the arrangement and application of tints and cloth materials , this paper expounds the beauty of combining the traditional with the fashionable dress , expresses people ' aesthetic interest in evening dress .

  17. 研究结果表明:网络已经成为快时尚服饰消费者获得快时尚产品信息和购买快时尚服饰产品的重要渠道,但是不同类型的消费者,在购买决策的不同阶段,对渠道的选择偏好还存在一定的差异。

    The research result shows that , Internet has become an important channel for fast fashion consumer to gain information and purchase apparel products . However , different types of fast fashion consumers have different channel preferences at different stages of the purchasing process .

  18. 这家服装店有全市最时尚的服饰。

    This clothing store has the most fashionable clothes in the city .

  19. 由此可以发现,苹果公司不断从时尚和服饰领域挖人的反常举动,必定是有所图的。

    That means that Apple must be on to something as it continues to make atypical hires from the fashion and apparel world .

  20. 如果你要去看现场演出,跳跃的舞步、精彩的表演和时尚的服饰会让你眼花缭乱。

    If you do see a Bond show , be prepared to be dazzled by flashy moves , lighting shows , and fashionable clothes .

  21. 着装要求:敬请来宾以时尚或华丽服饰出席。

    Dress Code : Please Attend in Formal Dress or Fashion Finery .

  22. 我们是享誉欧洲的连锁专卖店,专营时尚年轻女性服饰

    We are one of the European retail chain store leaders for young and fashionable women 's wear

  23. 性感的黑色、栗色或葡萄色内衣是最能体现你时尚品味的服饰。

    Sexy lingerie in the shades of black , maroon or burgundy is your idea of fashion heaven , and you wear that intimate bedroom look as often as you can and anywhere you can !

  24. 具体分析时尚杂志对服饰流行的导向作用,以及畅销书籍、热播影视作品、明星穿着打扮、流行音乐、外来文化及个人审美对服饰流行的影响。

    It analyzes the directed function of vogue magazine to fashion , and the popular book , the popular movies and television drama , the dress of the stars , pop music , foreign culture and personal influence that appreciates beauty .

  25. “小不点高跟鞋”公司位于宾夕法尼亚州格林斯堡市,其创始人米歇尔·霍尔布鲁克在公司网站发布的声明中写道,她的产品“并不是用来走路的,而是为了满足当前对‘高端时尚’婴儿服饰日益增长的需求。”

    Pee Wee Pumps is based in Greensburg , Pennsylvania . The founder , Michele Holbrook , wrote in a statement on the company website that her products " are not intended for walking , but rather to meet the current and ever-growing popular demand for ' high-fashion ' in infant apparel . "

  26. 现今的T恤,依然是时尚与流行的服饰。但人们总是对旧东西有情意结,就像怀念童年时用的字母橡皮擦一样。

    The T-shirt today , as always , is a modern and popular apparel while the " Alphabet Eraser " is an old school item from our collective memory .

  27. HOPERISE是香港红瑞兴国际公司旗下时尚品牌之一,主营高科技时尚休闲服饰产品系列。

    HOPERISE is one of fashion brands of Hong Kong Red Ruixing International Company , which specializes in high-tech leisure fashion dress products series .