
  • 网络music in dance-drama
  1. 舞剧音乐在钢琴演奏中的应用

    How to Using Piano to Play Ballet Music

  2. 新时期以来舞剧音乐创作真正进入了黄金时代。

    With the advent of the new era , the creation of dance drama music truly entered a golden age .

  3. 民族舞剧音乐创作的开拓之路&《篱笆墙的影子》音乐概评

    A Pioneering Road of Music Composition for Chinese Dance Drama ; Brief Comments on the Music of The Shadows on the Hedgerow

  4. 共和国成立之前,我国没有严格意义上的舞剧音乐创作。

    Before the establishment of the People 's Republic of China , the country produced no dance drama music in the strict sense .

  5. 其创作几乎涉及了所有的音乐体裁和形式,主要的音乐作品是交响乐、舞剧音乐和歌剧。

    His creation embraces all the music forms , and his most important music works are symphony , music in dance - drama , and opera .

  6. 90年代以来,舞剧音乐创作数量更加可观,约有50部。

    Since the beginning of the 1990s , there has been a notable upsurge in the creation of music for dance dramas , reaching some 50 pieces .

  7. 从80年代中期起,一批“新潮”作曲家介入舞剧音乐创作,引起从观念到技法的巨大变革。

    From the mid-1980s , some New Wave composers plunged into the field of dance drama music , bringing about great improvements in every aspect , from concepts to techniques .

  8. 这部舞剧音乐为什么能获得这样的效果,是因为在这里,有两根坚实的支柱所支撑的牢固基础在起着决定性作用。

    The reason why this dance drama 's music has created such great effect is that , in the music , a solid foundation supported by two strong pillars is playing a decisive role .

  9. 这些舞剧、音乐更具有崭新的鲜明的民族个性,显示着音乐创作的勃勃生机。

    Exuding a fresh national flavor , these works showed the continued vivacity of musical creation in China .

  10. 希望通过这样的研究,使我们对这部舞剧在音乐创作上的主要特色有一个概略的了解。

    Through this kind of research , the writer tried help person getting the general idea f main feature of the music creation for this dance drama .

  11. 为芭蕾舞剧写作的音乐。

    Music written for a ballet .