
wǔ jì
  • dance skill;dancing skill
舞技 [wǔ jì]
  • [dancing skill] 舞蹈技艺

  • 舞技高超

  1. 她花了多年时间去提高自己的舞技。

    She spent years perfecting her dancing skill .

  2. 他的舞技不亚于任何人。

    As a dancer , he is second to none .

  3. 她想:“我一定要向领导展示我的舞技。”

    She thought , " I must show the leader my dancing skills . "

  4. 德里克还是继续他《与星共舞(DancingWithTheStars)》常胜将军的地位,而23岁的妹妹则在电影《浑身是劲》里面展示她的舞技和演技。

    Derek continues his run as the most winning DWTS pro , Julianne , 23 , showed off her dancing and acting skills in the Footloose reboot .

  5. 韩庚生于1984年2月9日,以他出色的舞技闻名,也是韩国男子组合SuperJunior的中国成员和和其子团体SuperJunior-M的队长。

    Born on February 9 , 1984 , Han is well known for his excellent dance skills , and was the only Chinese member of South Korean boy-band Super Junior , and the leader of its sub-group Super Junior-M.

  6. 这是一首时尚感十足、劲歌热舞型的MV。在单曲中,Graham还凭借一段芭蕾、爵士混舞展露了自己的舞技。而且《吸血鬼日记》的其他演员似乎也都很喜欢哦。

    Graham shows off her dance expertise in a routine that incorporates ballet , jazz.Looks like her " Vampire Diaries " costars are loving the new vid , too .

  7. 还有人巧妙地在熊玩偶身上剪洞,穿着它跳了NickiMinaj的《Anaconda》,秀出了高超的电臀舞技。

    The technique certainly seemed to help one dancer show off her twerking skills to Nicki Minaj 's Anaconda inside a strategically cut bear skin .

  8. 舞艺高超的也有不少。有名年轻的足球运动员跳了一曲YG的《TwistMyFingaz》,舞技超群,简直可称得上是一则街舞MV了。

    Some of the dancers are considerably better than others , such as a young football player who proved he has moves worthy of a hip hop music video as he stepped along to YG 's Twist My Fingaz .

  9. 菲尔喜欢舞技好而且打扮入时的女性。

    Phil likes women who are good dancers and stylish dressers .

  10. 你的舞技会在你的健身水平不断提高的同时也不断地进步!

    Your dancing will improve as your fitness level increases !

  11. 拉姆,你开车的技术,跟你的舞技一样好吗?

    Ram , if you drive as well as you dance * ?

  12. ::你现在就可以见识一些舞技了。看到那些在踏步、拍手、叫喊的人吗?

    Here 's some dancing.See those guys stomping , clapping and shouting ?

  13. 你的床上功夫和舞技一样好吗?

    Are you as good in bed as on the dance floor ?

  14. 他们跳舞时弯曲膝盖以显示自己的舞技。

    They danced with their knees bent to show off their skill .

  15. 我曾经对自己的舞技感到非常羞愧,因此很少与朋友外出。

    I used to be very self-conscious about my dancing .

  16. 她在众人面前所展现的的舞技令我羡慕不已。

    I envy her ability to dance in front of a crowd .

  17. 在《胡桃夹子》的演出中,他展示出了高超的舞技。

    In his performance of the Nutcracker , he showed great technical brilliance .

  18. 不知道马休对我的舞技做何想法?

    What did Mathew think of my dance ?

  19. 为死神驱使,施展魔鬼的舞技!

    Driven by Death in a devilish dance !

  20. 专业演员们的舞技高超,体现出日本民间舞蹈的雅致和激情。

    The dancers express the elegance and passion of Japanese folk dances with exceptional professionalism .

  21. 厨艺很棒的,舞技很棒的。

    and cooks great and dances great ...

  22. 女人喜欢舞技高超的男人;

    women prefer men who dance well ;

  23. 那我们应该可以见识一些舞技了男女合校;

    So we should see some dancing !

  24. 再加上公认的唱功和舞技,理论上来说他是这一角色的理想人选。

    With proven singing and dancing abilities , on paper he 's an ideal choice for the role .

  25. 第一夫人米歇尔对老公的舞技也不买账。

    His wife , First Lady Michelle Obama , is also not a fan of the presidents dancing skills .

  26. 自然,没人相信我曾经舞技烂到要上矫正课的地步。

    And yes , none believed that I used to be so bad in dancing that I had to have remedial lessons .

  27. 开场的两个特别节目,由专业的韩国舞蹈团表演,他们精湛的舞技蠃得了热烈掌声。

    The first two special programs were performed by a professional Korean dance troupe that won warm applause for their brilliant traditional dancing .

  28. 钢管舞是一项非常难的运动。而一名女子却要向世人证明只要舞技高,体型不重要。

    Pole dancing is an incredibly difficult sport & and one woman is out to prove that size doesn 't matter when it comes to skill .

  29. “我们近期回顾了一下她之前的音乐作品,她的身体柔软,舞技超群。”

    We 've been going through her music collection recently and there 's some quite eclectic stuff in there . She was elated by the skill . "

  30. 他突破了双重藩篱:他是舞技宛如黑人的白人,而且是舞技宛如女人、宛如脱衣舞后的白种男人。

    It was a double barrier he knocked down : a white man dancing like a black man , and a white man dancing almost like a woman , like a burlesque queen .