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  • 网络Dance team;speed
  1. 我喜欢看这个舞队的表演。

    I enjoy watching this group perform .

  2. “现在居民都参加了文化活动,我也想报名参加扇子舞队”。

    Now residents have participated in cultural activities , I would like to join fan dance team .

  3. 形状构图与大通彩陶盆约略相似,只是舞队人数更多,场面更加壮观。

    The shape and structure of its dancers are similar to the former one , but there are more dancers and the scene is more magnificent .

  4. 其中的庙会、进香、迎驾,一般都有民间舞队(称香会或花会、皇会)参加,著。

    Historically , temple FAIRS , offering incense and greeting the Buddhas , were joined by folk dance troupes ( called Xianghui , Huahui or Huanghui ) .

  5. 广场舞队是一个由群众自发组织的,以广场舞蹈作为主要锻炼手段,在广场上常年开展广场舞锻炼、教学的团体。

    The square dance team is a voluntary , to square dance as the main training method , conducting annual square dance exercise , teaching in the square group .

  6. 针对这些问题,本文提出了一些可行性建议:政府积极主动地参与管理;加大宣传力度;适当的投入;加大广场舞队相关指导人才的培养力度;定期举行广场舞比赛等。

    Aiming at these problems , this paper puts forward some feasible suggestions : the government to actively participate in management ; to intensify propaganda ; the appropriate input ; to strengthen training of square dance team guidance personnel ; hold regular square dance contest .

  7. 舞竹队的队服的新设计。

    A new design for the maity team t shirt .

  8. 我们今天开始舞竹队。

    We started the maity team today .