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  1. 霍光死后,有人向宣帝告发此案,宣帝派人去调查处理。

    After Huo Guang died , Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case . Someone was sent to investigate it .

  2. 霍氏之祸,萌于骖乘发微&宣帝与霍氏家族关系探讨

    Exploration on the Relation between Xuan Di and Huo Family

  3. 公元前74年,宣帝继位。

    In 74 B. C. , Emperor Xuandi ascended to the throne .

  4. 他要求汉宣帝帮助他回去。

    He asked him to go back to the Han Emperor help .

  5. 汉宣帝时期,匈奴已处于颓败之势,

    During the reign of Emperor Xuandi , the Huns was already in decline .

  6. 两汉史传文学中的汉代女性形象研究两汉乡亭考述&以汉宣帝时期为中心

    The Study of Images of Han Women in the Historical Biography Literature Works in the Han Dynasty

  7. 《晋书·宣帝纪》所载孟达反魏失误二则

    Two Errors in the Records of Meng Da Opposing Wei in Jin Shu · Xuan Di Ji

  8. 汉昭帝与汉宣帝执政时,尽管经济上涨,潜藏的社会危机开始浮现。

    When Emperors Zhaodi and Xuandi were in power , potential social crises began to surface despite economic growth .

  9. 杨坚出身北周贵族,周宣帝时拜上柱国、大司马。

    Yang Jian , a born aristocrat of the Northern Zhou , was Emperor Xuan ^ Chancellor of Military Affairs .

  10. 宣帝时坚持以“霸王道杂之”的儒法结合思想治国,取得了辉煌成就。

    Emperor Han-xuan continued to use the same principle which is an integration of Confucianism and law , and obtained brilliant achievement .

  11. 陈朝在文帝和宣帝时期,政治情况较梁末有所改善,江南经济逐渐得到了恢复。

    During the periods of emperors Wen and Xuan , Chen witnessed a more organized social orders and enhanced progress of economy .

  12. 然而宣帝推行的一系列积极政策并不足以从根本上解决官僚贵族兼并土地的问题。

    Nevertheless , all of these positive measures couldn * t compeletly solve the problem that bureacrats and aristocrat annexed lands thoroughly .

  13. 为此,宣帝统治期间“吏称其职,民安其业”。

    So during his reign , " officials were qualified to their positions , and the people were contented with their trades . "

  14. 晋朝建立后,司马懿被追尊为晋宣帝,庙号高祖。

    After the founding of the Jin Dynasty , Sima Yi was posthumously honored as Emperor Xuan of Jin with the temple name of Gaozu .

  15. 后为官,因揭发“霍氏谋反”有功,取得宣帝信任,遂借机将这部书稿公开面世。

    Later Yang , as an officer , whom the Emperor trusted because he reported Huo 's rebellion , had the chance to present the manuscript to the public .

  16. 公元前72年,宣帝与乌孙联合攻打匈奴,后趁匈奴内部分裂之机,与呼韩单于建立友好关系。

    In 72 B. C. , the emperor allied with Wusun to attack Xiongnu , and then taking opportunity of the Xion-gnu 's internal splitting established a friendly relationship with Khan Han Chan Yu .

  17. 荀子(约公元前313年~公元前238年),名况,宇卿,时人尊称为“荀卿”,汉代避宣帝讳,称之为孙卿。赵国人,儒家代表人物之一。

    Xun Zi ( 313 B. C. ~ 238 B. C. ) , whose given name was Kuang and courtesy name Qing , was born in the State of Zhao and was a key figure in the Confucius school .