
zhǔ móu
  • mastermind;be the chief plotter;chief instigator;head a conspiracy;principle conspirator
主谋 [zhǔ móu]
  • (1) [head a conspiracy;be the chief plotter]∶为首策划

  • (2) [chief instigator;principle conspirator]∶为首策划的人

  • 主谋一二人。--清. 方苞《狱中杂记》

主谋[zhǔ móu]
  1. 很多人参与了这场阴谋,但有3个人是主谋。

    Many people were involved in this conspiracy , but three stand out .

  2. 他已被公布是阴谋杀害卡罗尔的主谋。

    He has been named as the prime mover in the conspiracy to murder Carroll .

  3. 原告律师称,乔布斯是串通事件中的主谋。律师提到了他的一些电子邮件,其中包括他在2006年发送给谷歌公司(Google)高管埃里克·施密特(EricSchmidt)的那封。

    Plaintiffs " lawyers have portrayed Mr. Jobs as a ringleader of the conspiracy , pointing to his emails like one sent in 2006 to Eric Schmidt , a Google executive .

  4. 今天,全世界最大金融欺诈案的主谋伯纳德马多夫(BernardMadoff)将得知自己的命运。马多夫设计的650亿美元庞氏骗局令成千上万投资者损失惨重。

    Today , Bernard Madoff , architect of the world 's biggest financial fraud , a $ 65bn Ponzi scheme that ruined thousands of investors , will learn his fate .

  5. 好吧!你们当中哪位是主谋?

    All right , which one of you is the ringleader ?

  6. 暗影行者也是一系列国际网络犯罪案件的主谋

    Shadow Walker was also the mastermind of several international e-crimes .

  7. 一个平凡的农民,其实在真正的主谋人的眼里,只是一个借以达到目的的工具。

    Farmer Zhou was merely a vehicle used to reach their conspiracy .

  8. 你之所以怀疑肯尼·瑞安是昨天那事的主谋

    The only reason you 'd suspect Kenny Ryan of what happened yesterday

  9. 他是整个事情的主谋。

    And he 's the mastermind of this whole thing .

  10. 我没想过要当犯罪主谋。

    I wasn 't trying to be a criminal mastermind .

  11. 然后,事实是他是这一切的主谋!

    Then it is true that he was at the bottom of everything !

  12. 他们才是当年坠机事故的主谋

    They were responsible for that plane going down .

  13. 所以不管你是不是幕后主谋

    So whether you 're behind this or not ,

  14. 他们说他是主谋者。

    They represented him as the chief conspirator .

  15. 6名被告包括涉嫌9/11袭击的主谋哈利德.穆罕默德。

    The six include Khalid Sheik Mohammed , the suspected mastermind of the attacks .

  16. 他是那次阴谋的主谋。

    He was the head of the conspiracy .

  17. 无论发生在何地方,无论谁是主谋,我们都将共同谴责这种行为。

    Wherever it happens , whoever is responsible , we stand united in condemnation .

  18. 我们没有找到案件的主谋。

    We didn 't find ZZ top here .

  19. 警方表示,有一个被击毙的人就是策划新德里爆炸事件的主谋。

    Police say one of the men killed was behind the blasts in Delhi .

  20. 他是幕后主谋者。

    He is the man behind the scenes .

  21. 你们当中哪位是主谋?

    Which one of you is the ringleader ?

  22. 有人告诉我若克是主谋。

    One guy I talked to told me it was Roark running the show .

  23. 我知道今天这场袭击的主谋还没有落网。

    I understand the man responsible for today 's attack is still at large .

  24. 经过审讯,他供认了他是这个犯罪团伙的主谋。

    By trial , he confessed that he was the ringleader of this criminal gang .

  25. 不管背后主谋是谁,他一定很快就得知布兰活了下来。

    Whoever ordered Bran 's death will learn soon enough that the boy still lives .

  26. 所以我告诉警察她是银行袭击案的主谋

    So I told the police that she 's behind the hit on the bank .

  27. 洛瑞探员,这些人是暗杀总统的主谋。

    Agent lowry , these men are responsible for the attempted assassination of the president .

  28. 前助理说尼达尔是泛美班机洛克比爆炸案主谋

    A former aide of Abu Nidal said the Pan Am Lockerbie explosion was masterminded by Nidal

  29. 年度故事将是纽约对911主谋穆罕默德的审判。

    The story of the year will be the New York City trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed .

  30. 形容某人是幕后主谋时,说明主意或是计谋都是他出的。

    When someone is described as the brains behind something , it is that person 's idea or plan .