
zhǔ dònɡ xī shōu
  • active absorption;active uptake
  1. 上述结果显示,外源性Gln作为肠粘膜细胞的能量来源,对促进小肠发育、维持小肠粘膜的完整性以及提高小肠的主动吸收功能有着重要作用。

    All the results above implied that as the main fuel for the intestinal mucosal cells under stress conditions , exogenous Gln might play an important role in facilitating the proliferation of mucosal cells , maintaining intestinal modality and improving the active absorption function .

  2. 其中主动吸收是主要的吸收途径。

    Among them , active absorption was the major pathway .

  3. 研究南极苔藓地衣中地球化学元素的营养富集特征,发现K、Ca为苔藓地衣中最活跃元素,主要以主动吸收的方式累积于苔藓地衣植物中;

    Studies on the nourishing properties of geochemical elements in Antarctic mosses and lichens show that potassium and calcium were the most active elements , while phosphorous was accumulated in the middle part of lichen cells , and participated in organic synthesis .

  4. 无机离子含量的结果也同样显示出,羊草幼苗根系能够抑制吸收Na离子,主动吸收并向上转运K离子;在受到一定浓度范围盐碱胁迫时,羊草幼苗还能特异性吸收、积累阴离子。

    The result is the same in the content of inorganic ion . Young seedlings ' rhizome can resist absorbing Na + . But it absorbs K + actively and transports it . Under a certain density saline-alkali stress , young seeding can specific property absorbing and accumulating anion .

  5. 而1,6-二磷酸果糖(FDP)作为高能基质可促进锶的主动吸收;

    In addition , fructose-1,6-bisphosphate ( FDP ) has functions as follows : ① As a high-energy phosphate compound in the process of metabolism , it can facilitate the absorption of strontium by providing part energy available for the active absorption of strontium ;

  6. 早期断奶应激对犊牛小肠主动吸收的影响

    Effects of stress on intestinal absorption function in early-weaned calves

  7. 而且各种各样的酶参与了植物主动吸收金属离子的过程。

    And various enzymes are involve in the initiative - absorption - process .

  8. 花生叶片对~(14)C&葡萄糖的吸收存在着主动吸收和被动吸收类型。

    Absorbing of 14C-glucose by peanut leaves existed both passive and active uptake forms .

  9. 其吸收机制可分为3个途径:主动吸收、被动吸收以及通过细胞间隙直接吸收。

    The absorption embraced three pathways : active absorption , passive absorption and paracellular permeability .

  10. 植物吸收金属元素的过程主要是一个主动吸收过程。

    The process in which plants absorb metallic elements is mostly an initiative absorption process .

  11. 花生叶圆片通过主动吸收和被动吸收方式吸收~(14)C-蔗糖。

    14C-sucrose was absorbed by leaves discs of peanut plant in both active and passive forms .

  12. 它能将氮磷元素从地下部分转移到地上部分,在较高浓度的畜禽废水中仍表现为主动吸收。

    Ligularia could transfer nitrogen and phosphorus from the underground part to the ground part , and it performed active absorbing even in higher concentration .

  13. 通过淋巴孔,腹膜腔与淋巴管系直接相通,它具有主动吸收功能,是腹膜腔内物质转归的最主要部位。

    The peritoneal cavity is connected with lymphatic system via these small openings which are considered to be the main passageway that can absorb matter from the peritoneal cavity .

  14. 实现高等教育管理的社会参与,不仅有待于社会力量的积极发展和完善,而且政府和高校也要主动吸收社会力量参与管理。

    Realization of social participation in the higher educational management not only need social force to actively develop themselves , but need government and higher school to attract social force to take part .

  15. 水稻主动吸收并积累的硅元素对于水稻生长发育、抵御胁迫以及高产优质具有独特作用。

    Silicon , which is actively absorbed and accumulated by rice , plays a unique role in the growth and development , stress tolerance , and formation of high yield and good quality of rice .

  16. 东西方站在本土文化的立场上主动吸收有利于自身文化发展的有利因素,即外来文化的影响,对自身文化发展是起到了积极的作用。

    Both the east and the west stand on their own situation of native culture , to absorb the factors that contribute to their own development of culture actively . That is to say , the effect of foreign culture play an active role in the development of culture .

  17. 在胚性细胞分化和分裂过程中ATP酶活性和分布的动态变化表明,这些胚性细胞进行着旺盛的主动物质吸收和活跃的新陈代谢过程。

    The dynamic changes of ATPase activity and distribution in embryogenic cells differentiation and division show that these embryogenic cells are in a state of active material absorption and active metabolism .

  18. 十二指肠上皮细胞基底侧存在主动铁吸收的机制

    The mechanism of active iron absorption in the basal side of duodenal

  19. 肾小管对钙的重吸收包括被动重吸收和主动重吸收。

    Renal tubular reabsorption includes passive and active reabsorption .

  20. 儿童的生命和精神能够积极主动的吸收环境,自我发展、自我教育;

    Children actively take the initiative to absorb their environment and can develop and educate themselves ;

  21. 种种发展是李白在其主体精神引领下主动选择吸收多种文化的结果。

    All the development resulted from the accepting of manifold culture guided by Li Bai 's unique spirit .

  22. 语言材料的输入是语言学习的前提和必要条件,只有保质保量且合理的语言输入,加上学习者不断积累、主动消化吸收,才能达到学习的目的。

    Being the prerequisite for language learning , appropriate language input with both quantity and quality combining the constant accumulation , active understanding and digestion of the learners themselves can lead to the learning in real sense .

  23. 结果显示:球类运动传入中国是近代中西体育文化交流与传播的产物,既有文化同化下的输入与移植,又存在有意识地寻求与主动地吸收的双向过程;

    The conclusion shows that ball-game spreading in China is the result of the exchanges of Chinese and Western physical education cultures in modern times , which is a course of consciously seeking connected with initiative absorbing .

  24. 结果同时表明,毛竹幼苗能主动从外源吸收多胺,以提高其抗旱能力。

    The results also show that Seedling of Phyllostachys edulis can actively absorbed from exogenous polyamines to improve the drought-resistant ability . 6 .

  25. 构建主义者认为,学习是学生不断主动构建信息,主动地吸收信息的过程。

    Constructivism believes that learning should be a process in which the students actively try to construct and take in information .