
  • 【煤】dry basis
  1. 在葡萄枝条堆制时,每kg葡萄冬剪枝条(干基)平均需添加2.5~4.1kg水。

    The water supplemented for per kilogram vineyard pruning residues ( dm ) was averaged out 2.5-4.1 kg during composting at different initial C : N ratios .

  2. 草鱼皮中ASC和PSC的提取得率以干基计分别为8.0%和18.6%;

    The yields of ASC and PSC on dry basis from grass carp were 8.0 % and 18.6 % respectively .

  3. 结果表明,较低的SO2吸收率和原料含水率(干基)影响了预处理效果;

    The results indicated that the lower SO2 absorption and the lower moisture content ( dry basis ) of the raw material affected the efficiency of the steam explosion ;

  4. 冷冻干燥得到蛋白粉,其干基蛋白含量达84%以上,灰分含量小于4%,其中酸提蛋白中Ca、Mg等矿质元素的含量较高。

    Protein isolates powder was obtained by freeze-drying , and the content of crude protein in dry basis was more than 85 % and ash content was below 4 % . Comparatively , mineral elements such as Ca and Mg of acid-made protein isolates were higher .

  5. 啤洒糟干基中含有58.7%的膳食纤维、23.0%的可溶性膳食纤维(SDF)、13.6%的可溶性戊聚糖及30.4%的β-葡聚糖。

    The beer ′ s spent grains contained 58.7 % ( dry base ) dietary fibers , 23.0 % soluble dietary fibers ( SDF ), 13.6 % soluble pentosans and 30.4 % β - glucan .

  6. 比较合理的使用方法是先对滤布进行预涂处理,再用主体掺浆加料法。其合理用量为,预涂层厚度1~2mm,主体加料量为过滤浆料中二氧化钛干基质量的0.2%~0.5%。

    The reasonable treatment method is that the filter cloth is pre-treated with painting layer 1 ~ 2 mm first , then the aid is added into the filter slurry with the amount of 0.2 % ~ 0.5 % of TiO_2 ( dry basis ) .

  7. 品质测定结果表明,MITC熏蒸可抑制小麦样品吸湿,减缓小麦营养物质的分解,对小麦呼吸强度及干基千粒重无明显影响。

    Quality test showed that after MITC fumigation , absorption of wheat samples was inhibited , decomposition of nutrients in wheat were slowed down , wheat respiration and dry grain weight was observed .

  8. 结果在最佳活化条件下提取的海带膳食纤维的干基含量为84.3%,钙含量为6.21%,膨胀力为138mL·g-1,持水力为6720%。

    Results Contents of dry DF , calcium , expansive capacity and water holding capacity of Laminaria japonica DF extracted under the optimum activation conditions were 84.3 % , 6.21 % , 138mL · g - 1 and 6720 % , respectively .

  9. 采用国产LSA-10型大孔吸附树脂层析法对山楂原花青素进行分离纯化,在梯度洗脱中,体积分数为50%乙醇溶液的洗脱能力最强,洗脱液中原花青素的干基纯度达83.2%。

    The extraction was purified by LSA-10 macroporous adsorption resin . The step-gradient elution was conducted and the fraction obtained by 50 % alcohol elution contained the most procyanidins up to 83.2 % .

  10. 低温压榨饼经YPH·20型挤压膨化机组织化处理,形成多微孔颗粒膨化料,经溶剂浸出制得残油率1%左右、蛋白质含量46%以上(干基)的菜籽粕。

    The low temperature pressed rapeseed cake was then textured to form micro porous pellet material by YPH · 100 extruder , followed solvent extraction , the rapeseed meal with 1 % residual oil rate could be got , and its protein content was raised to more than 46 % .

  11. 林窗主要的形成方式是干基折断。

    The main formation of gaps was breakage at trunk base .

  12. 杉木立木干基腐朽病空间分布型的研究

    A Study on Spatial Distribution Patterns of Decadent Disease of Chinese Fir

  13. 乳清是生产干酪和干酪素的副产物,其营养物以干基物质计占原料奶的55%。

    Whey was the by-production of product cheese and casein at industry .

  14. 煤炭干基灰分测量不确定度的评定

    Assessment on Measurement Uncertainty of Ash Dry Basic for Coal

  15. 干基内部根腐形状的分析

    Root rot shape in the internal part of stem

  16. 干基腐朽材量材设计新方法的探讨

    A new method of scaling design for rotten trunks

  17. 粗蛋白质含量(干基)为8.3%~12.59%,平均值为10.46%;

    Crude protein contents ( d.b. ) 8.30 ~ 12.59 % , average 10.46 % ;

  18. 简单甘草(扩大干基)或匍匐根茎可以赞成。

    A simple caudex ( enlarged stem base ) or creeping rhizomes can be present .

  19. 污泥的收缩因子随着初始干基含水率的降低而逐渐减小。

    The shrinkage factor gradually diminishes with the decrease of initial moisture content of drying base .

  20. 除干燥减量外,其他指标均以干基计。

    Above indexes are acquired on the base of dry basis , except of the loss on drying .

  21. 顶芽枯死及干基或根颈受害是紫椴丛生的主要原因。

    Die-back and injury of butt or root crown are the main reasons of clustering of Tilia amurensis .

  22. 红花油茶果的果皮(干基)中粗蛋白质含量为4.0%,粗纤维为31.1%,茶皂素含量为20.05%;

    C.chekiangoleosa pericarp had4.0 % crude protein , 31.3 % crude fiber , and20.05 % camellia saponin on dry basis .

  23. 实验结果表明:未经消化的干基污泥的热解过程中有2个失重峰值。

    The result showed there are two DTG peak of sludge of digested sample in which the sludge quickly lost weight .

  24. 提出的含氟酸制取高纯煤工艺,可以保证得到灰含量在0.5%(干基)以下的高纯煤。

    The coal cleaning process can ensure the ash content in the cleaned coal to be less than 0.5 % ( dry basis ) .

  25. 在典型分离条件下,得到了果糖含量90%(干基)的高纯度果糖浆。

    Under the typical condition of separation , highly pure fructose syrup having more than 90 percent on a dry solid basis is obtained .

  26. 籽粒含粗蛋白(干基)14.30%、湿面筋32.30%、沉降值25.2ml;

    The seed contains crude protein ( butt ) 14.30 % , wet wheat gluten 32.30 % , sedimentation value ( 25.2 ) ml ;

  27. 大多数的林隙是由单株形成木形成的,形成林隙最重的方式是干基折断和掘根风倒;

    Most gaps were formed by one gap maker , and the most important manners of gap formation were breakage at trunk base and uprooting .

  28. 黄檗幼树根韧皮部和茎干基部的韧皮部中主要药用成分含量很高,而叶片、木质部和周皮很低。

    The alkaloid contents were highest in root and stem base phloem of Amur corktree saplings , and lower in leaves , xylem and periderm .

  29. 膳食纤维干基含量达74.5%,膨胀力为54mL/g,持水力为3201%。

    The dry dietary fiber content , expansibility and moisture retaining power were 74.5 % , 54 ml / g and 3201 % , respectively .

  30. 该品种籽粒含粗蛋白(干基)13.86%,沉降值33.7ml,湿面筋29.20%,面团稳定时间5.2min;

    The seed contains crude protein ( butt ) 13.86 % , sedimentation value 33.7 ml , wet wheat gluten ( 29.20 % ,) dough stability time 5.2 min ;