
  • drying shrinkage
  1. 重复试验得到硅溶胶陶瓷型收缩率(干燥收缩率和总收缩率)和抗压强度的期望为0.97%、1.04%和5.05MPa。

    The expectancy of shrinkage ratio ( drying shrinkage ratio and total shrinkage ratio ) and compressive strength on silica sol ceramic mold gained by the repeated experimental are 0.97 % , 1.04 % and 5.05 MPa , respectively .

  2. 复掺保坍剂的混凝土28d干燥收缩率与单掺萘系减水剂相比降低了10%左右,同时与基准混凝土相比也有所降低。

    And dry shrinkage of concrete compound mixed with slump retaining agent at 28 days decreases about 10 % compared with simply mixed FDN , and that also has somewhat decrease compared with reference concrete .

  3. 陶瓷用粘土干燥收缩率和烧成收缩率测定方法

    Testing method for drying and firing shrinkages of ceramic whiteware clays

  4. 湿坯含水率与干燥收缩率的关系研究

    Study on Correlation of Water Content of Green Insulator Body with Its Shrinkage Rate

  5. 该方法显著降低了制品的干燥收缩率和容重,并提高了制品的粘结力。

    It marked reduce the rate of dry contract and bulk density , increase the cohesive force of products .

  6. 随着醇水比的增加,坯体的干燥收缩率和体积密度都降低。

    As the ratio of alcohol to water increases , the shrinkage rate and bulk density of ceramics body would decrease .

  7. 在溶胶凝胶过程中,催化剂浓度以及反应物浓度都对凝胶化时间、气凝胶密度及干燥收缩率有显著影响。

    In the sol-gel process , catalyst concentration and reactant concentration have significant influence on gelation time 、 shrink rate and density of W-doped organic aerogels .

  8. 结果表明,搅拌对上述性质的影响非常显著,并且进一步影响硬硅钙石制品的干燥收缩率及体积密度。

    The results indicate that stirring evidently affects the formation and morphology of xonotlite secondary particles , and further affects the dry shrinkage and bulk density of xonotlite products .

  9. 研究表明:碳密度为0.85~0.88g/cm3,固相体积含量达到53%以上,流动性好的焊料焊接时焊缝干燥收缩率低,烧结后焊接性能好。

    The results show that the solder with carbonous density varying from 0.85g/cm3 to 0.88 g / cm3 , and solid volume loading being over 53 % with good rheological properties , welding seams demonstrate a low shrinkage ratio , high joining strength and sintering density after sintering .

  10. 采用丙烯酸酯乳液做分散介质与金红石型钛白粉和超细重钙粉等配制的高固含量外墙乳胶漆,降低了涂料干燥后的收缩率,提高了涂料的遮盖力等。

    High solid exterior wall latex coatings are prepared of acrylate emulsion , rutile titanium pigment and micro ground chalk , resulting in lower condensing ratio after dry and higher hiding power .

  11. 结果表明BD-3077可有效降低硅气凝胶干燥过程中的收缩率。

    The results show that the shrinkage rate of the silica aerogel is reduced when adding BD-3077 .

  12. 材料置于模具中进行干燥可以消除水平方向的收缩,但高度方向的收缩率大于无模具干燥下的收缩率。

    Drying the materials in a restricting mold diminished the horizontal shrinkage , and the vertical shrinkage was higher than that in the mold-less drying .