
gān chū
  • Dry out;dries
干出[gān chū]
  1. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  2. 要想在演艺界干出名堂,就得有十足的信心。

    To succeed in show business , you need buckets of confidence .

  3. 他正期待着在电视上干出个名堂来。

    He 's hoping to make it big on TV .

  4. 你竟然干出这样的事来!

    You 've really gone and done it now !

  5. 我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

    I 'm not sure what I 'll do when the chips are down .

  6. 两人都是出身贫穷,最终干出了一番事业。

    Both men are poor boys made good .

  7. 唯一能做的就是开始努力工作,好好干出点儿成绩来。

    The only thing to do was knuckle down and get on with some serious hard work

  8. 另外,计算得到的泉州湾内平均潮差约为4m,如此大的潮差是导致湾内浅滩和暗礁在落潮时干出、涨潮时重新被漫过的根本原因。

    Besides , the large tidal range with a mean value of 4 m is responsible for the alternate wetting and drying of shoals and submerged rocks during the flood and ebb , respectively .

  9. 像汤姆这样爱面子的人,是不会干出这种事情的。

    And Tom 's too proud for that sort of thing .

  10. 他不可能干出这样的蠢事。

    He cannot ( couldn 't ) have acted so foolishly .

  11. 那孩子也绝不会干出这种事。

    And that boy is incapable of doing something like that .

  12. 我不知道我还会干出什么。

    I don 't know what I 'm capable of anymore .

  13. 凭自己,可能干出惊人的事情。

    Being on your own there may be a frightening experience .

  14. 我们希望您能很速对此事干出决议。

    We hope that you will give this matter prompt attention .

  15. 他竟会干出这种事来,真是奇怪。

    It is strange that he should do such a thing .

  16. 谁曾经听说过有干出这种傻事的人呢?

    Who ever heard of a man doing such a foolish thing ?

  17. 究竟谁会干出这样的事来呢?

    Who under heaven would have done such a thing ?

  18. 要在生意场上干出一番名堂,她缺乏必要的冷酷心肠。

    She doesn 't have the ruthlessness required to succeed in business .

  19. 你真的相信,我会干出杀人的勾当?

    Do you honestly believe that I am capable of murder ? "

  20. 你们得干出一番大事才能有资格留下标记

    You 've got to earn your mark by doing something big .

  21. 没有政府的同意,他们不可能干出这样的事情来。

    They would not have done such a thing without government approval .

  22. 我们一定有机会干出一番事业。

    We do have the chance to make some impact .

  23. 他竟然干出那种事,我真想拧断他的脖子。

    I ought to break his neck for doing that .

  24. 你竟有脸对我干出这种事。

    You got a nerve to do that to me .

  25. 你并不指望他真的干出这些有失身份的事?

    You would not expect him actually to perform those degrading acts ?

  26. 第二条是真正干出几个实绩,来取信于民。

    The second thing is to achieve some visible results .

  27. 她的美貌迷得他干出荒唐的事。

    Her beauty deluded him into doing something folly .

  28. 我还庆幸她没干出更出格的事呢。

    I 'm actually glad that she didn 't do something more serious .

  29. 你怎么干出那样的事情来了?

    What possesses you to do such a thing ?

  30. 我不敢想他会干出什么事来。

    I dreaded to think what he might do .