
  • 网络taxing power;taxation power
  1. 税权保护与救济。

    Protection of taxation power and taxation relief .

  2. 从理论上论述税权的客观存在及对税收法治的重要意义,明析了税权与税收法治间理论上的本质联系。

    I want to discuss the objective existence of taxation power and the importance of the taxation law which clarifying the essential relationship between taxation power and taxation law .

  3. 税权是整个税法研究的核心。

    The tax power is the entire tax law research core .

  4. 税收立法权是税权中的核心权力。

    Tax legislative power is the core power of tax authority .

  5. 浅析中央与地方税权划分的优化

    The Optimization of Tax Right Division Between Central and Local Governments

  6. 转型时期中央与地方税权治理机制的国际借鉴研究

    Governance Mechanism of Central and Local Tax Power in Transitional Period

  7. 纳税人税权有其存在与运行的根源和价值。

    Taxpayer 's tax right has its origin and value existing .

  8. 论中央与地方税权的划分

    On the Tax Division between the Central and Local Governments

  9. 地方税权建设的借鉴与思考

    A Reflection on the Construction of the Local Tax Power

  10. 从课税成本看地方税权配置的模式选择

    The Model Selection of Local Taxation Configuration from Tax Cost

  11. 税权划分法律问题研究

    The Studying of the Dividing Right of Tax Law

  12. 中国税权划分悖论及其制度解析

    The Paradox of China 's Division of Taxing Power and Its Institutional Explanation

  13. 纳税人税权研究

    A Research on Tax - payer 's Right

  14. 税权是税收权限的简称。

    Tax power is the short for the government 's power of controlling tax .

  15. 关于税权及其划分的几个理论问题

    Several Theories of the Division Right of Taxation

  16. 关于税权概念的法律思考&兼与张守文先生商榷

    Legal Pondering over the Concept of Tax Power ── a discussion with Mr. Zhang Shou-Wen

  17. 从税权划分看我国地方税制立法体系的完善

    The Perfection of Local Taxation Legislation System in Our Country from the Taxation Power Dividing

  18. 关于税权划分的几点认识

    Thoughts on the Division of Tax Right

  19. 首先,纳税人税权是一种身份权;

    First of all , taxpayer 's tax right is a kind of identity right .

  20. 论我国政府间税权划分

    On Division of Tax Power Between Governments

  21. 税收法治与税权保护

    Lawful Taxation and Taxation Power Protection

  22. 合理划分中央与地方政府的税权;

    Dividing the tax power reasonable .

  23. 分税制下中央和地方间税权配置研究&由资源税博弈引发的思考

    Research on Right Allocation between Central and Local Taxes & Thinking about Game Theory on Resource Tax

  24. 明确纳税人的基本权利并强调政府对基本税权的保障;

    The basic rights of taxation should be clarified and the government 's protection of it emphasized ;

  25. 双边预约定价安排:基于税权谦抑的税收征管合作

    Bilateral Advance Pricing Arrangement : Cooperation of Tax Collection Based on Modest Restraint of Power to Tax

  26. 税权的行使主体是立法机构、执法机构和司法机构。

    The main bodies that exercise tax power are legislative organization , administrative organization and judiciary organization .

  27. 其次,纳税人税权是纳税人的财产所有权所衍生的权利;

    Secondly , taxpayer 's tax right is a right derived of the taxpayer 's property ownership .

  28. 税权的控制不只是经济问题更是法律问题。

    The control of tax right is not only a economic problem but also a law issue .

  29. 完善税权划分和协调机制,确保基层财政收入;

    To rebuild the tax division and harmonization system to guarantee the fiscal revenues of local governments ;

  30. 税权是分税制财政管理体制法的核心内容。

    The tax right is the key of financial system of law of the system of tax allocation .