- evergreen

[evergreen] 指植物永不凋谢的
Holly , like ivy and mistletoe , is an evergreen .
N , P contents in evergreen shrub leaf and stem are higher than those in evergreen trees .
The pine and the cypress remain green all the year round .
The leaves of evergreens are often shaped like needles .
Soil enzyme activities and its response to simulated nitrogen deposition in an evergreen broad-leaved forest , southern Sichuan
Seasonal changes of MDA content in three types of evergreen broad-leaved species are almost the same .
Deciduous broad-leaved species have consistently higher leaf N and P than evergreen broad-leaved species , but there are no significant differences in stems , branches and roots .
A high Mg use efficiency in evergreen coniferous forest and evergreen broadleaved forest indicates that Mg may be in a limited supply in the two scenic forests .
Deciduous and evergreen broadleaved mixed forest distributed from 500m to 800m ;
During the winter , SOD activity did not decrease with the temperature going down . The result showed that low temperature response curve of SOD activity in these plants is different from that of cold sensitive plants .
Sempervivum tectorum is a perennial succulent ornamental plant that spread widely in Europe .
Non_ capillary capacity of evergreen broadleaf forests was more than 100 mm , but was less than 100 mm in the cold_temperate / temperate deciduous broadleaf and evergreen coniferous forests .
The relationship between species diversity and altitudinal gradient for evergreen broad-leaved forests in Simian mountain , Chongqing of China was studied by the combination of DCCA ordination and altitude ordination .
The alpine sclerophyllous oak plants refer to a kind of plants in Quercus subgenus Quercus sect . Brachylepides ( 8 species and 1 impeach species ) and Quercus subgenus Quercus sect . Engleriana ( 7 species ) .
The variation patterns of species diversity in evergreen broad-leaved forests in the Jinyun Mountain were studied and the relationship between soil factors and species diversity was analyzed using detrended canonical correspondence analysis ( DCCA ) method .
The potential effects of future rainfall change on hydraulic and growth characteristics of seedlings of Sabina vulgaris , a dominant evergreen shrub of the semi-arid Mu Us sandy desert were examined in a controlled experiment simulating rainfall change conducted at the Ordos Grassland Ecological Station .
Support the Euonymus fortunei is a kind of good park green turn 、 desert prevention and the water and soil conservation plant , get the extensive application because of it all the year round often green , plasticity good , resistance is strong .
The main distribution range of the fourteen rare plant species was the mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaved forest at elevation of 1200 ~ 1800m , where species diversity of plant community was the maximum at the moderate elevation .
From 40 500 a BP to 11 100 a BP , broad_leaved evergreen forest ( WAMF ), and montane conifers ( MGRF ) occurred on hills and low mountains ;
Mixed forest of broad-leave and conifers trees-grassland , Quercus ( evergreen ), Quercus ( deciduous ) and Pinus being the main components , reflecting warm and moist climate ( Q 3 4 , Sub-Atlantic period ,) .
The main conclusions were as the following : ( 1 ) The non-capillary holding capacity from high to low is shrub forest ( 66.2mm ) > mixed wood > ( 57.52mm ) > broadleaf fores ( t47.99mm ) > bamboo fores ( t46.98mm ) .
Characteristics of vegetation of evergreen broad-leaved forest of Beilun in Ningbo
Factors affecting seedling establishment in monsoon evergreen broad - leaved forest
Features of the micro climate in the evergreen broad leaved forest
Spatial Variations in Insect Herbivory Leaves in Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest
Evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers .
New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood .
Shrubby oak of southeastern United States usually forming dense thickets .
Chinese evergreen climbing rose with yellow or white single flowers .
Evergreen of Australia and Norfolk Island in the South Pacific .