
  1. 建议解除禁锢的也是一个宦官,即中常侍吕强。

    It was Lu Qiang , also a eunuch , who made the proposal .

  2. 曹操的父亲是宦官中常侍曹腾的养子。

    Cao 's father was the adopted son of the chief eunuch of the imperial court .

  3. 但以理求王,王就派沙得拉,米煞,亚伯尼歌管理巴比伦省的事务,只是但以理常在朝中侍立。

    Moreover , at Daniel 's request the king appointed Shadrach , Meshach and Abednego administrators over the province of Babylon , while Daniel himself remained at the royal court .