
  1. 本文以高氏碑志为中心,再结合相关的文献记载,试考察与高力士相关的几个问题。

    Based on Gao 's gravestone epitaphs , this paper makes an attempt to explore some problems related to Gao Lishi by combining relevant documentary records .

  2. 关于高力士及其后嗣家族的生平事迹,传统的唐代史料虽有所提及,惜多语焉不详,某些重要史实依然缺载。

    About Gao Lishi and his descendants'life stories , there were very little records available from the historical materials of Tang Dynasty , but nothing important had been recorded .

  3. 身为文学侍臣,敢于“天子呼来不上船”,又乘醉让权宦高力士脱靴;

    As a literary courtiers , the courage to " call the Son of Heaven had come on board ", but also by allowing the right to get drunk off boots Huan ;