
  • 网络galsworthy;John Galsworthy;J.Galsworthy;Galsworthy, John
  1. 高尔斯华绥并没有冲破资本主义制度的束缚。

    John Galsworthy had not smashed the trammels of the capitalist system .

  2. 《有产者》是诺贝尔文学奖得主英国作家高尔斯华绥的代表作,1906年问世,初步奠定了他作为英国文学大师的声誉。

    The Man of Property , published in 1906 , is often regarded as the representative work of John Galsworthy , a Noble Prize Winner for literature , which has helped establish his reputation as a great master in English literature .

  3. 在《福斯特世家》中,高尔斯华绥创造了三十多个人物。

    In The Forsyte Saga Galsworthy created more than thirty characters .

  4. 论高尔斯华绥《有产业的人》的责任伦理

    On Responsibility Ethic in Galsworthy 's the Man of Property

  5. 高尔斯华绥与英语委婉语

    Galsworthy and English Euphemism

  6. 然而在塑造这些人物时,高尔斯华绥却又将他们描写成各有不同性格的有血有肉的活生生的人物。

    But at the same time they are persons of different dispositions with his or her own characteristics .

  7. 高尔斯华绥的社会历史记载了二十世纪二十年代英国的各种生活潮流,是很有价值的。

    Galsworthy 's social history is valuable as a record of the various currents of British life in the 1920 's.

  8. 高尔斯华绥的伟大之处恰恰在于他透过对文本社会语境的关注表达了一种对于人性的不懈探求。

    The greatness of Galsworthy lies in exactly his persistent concern of the human nature through his exploration into social context .

  9. 正义是一台机器,一旦有人推一下就会自己转下去。&高尔斯华绥

    Justice is a machine that , when someone has given it a starting push , rolls on itself . - J. Galsworthy

  10. 《岛国的法利赛人》是高尔斯华绥第一部引起公众和批评界关注的社会小说。

    The Island Pharisees is regarded as his first important social novel which arouses the attention of the public and the critics .

  11. 高尔斯华绥是传统型作家,继承了狄更斯,萨克雷等维多利亚时期文学家的优良风格。

    Galsworthy was a conventional writer , having inherited the fine traditions of the great Victorian novelists of the critical realism such as Dickens and Thackeray .

  12. 正是通过描述谢尔顿与以上三种类型人物的交往细节,高尔斯华绥隐隐约约地表达了一种在现实与理想之间寻找一种弥合契机的愿望。

    It is through describing their contacts in detail among Shelton and the above three types of characters that Galsworthy vaguely expresses a desire for bridging the reality and the ideal .

  13. 作为英国现实主义文学史上的代表作家,约翰高尔斯华绥被认为是最能抓住时代特征的作家,《有产业的人》是高尔斯华绥的《福尔赛世家》三部曲中的第一部。

    As the representative writer of the literary history of British realism , John Galsworthy is a considered famous writer who is able to seize of the characteristics of the times . The Man of Property is the first novel in the trilogy of the Forsyte Saga .