
  • 网络college admissions
  1. 高校招生数据处理与分析系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of College Admissions Data Processing and Analyzing System

  2. 当您需要知道的建议,要求在高校招生过程。

    What you need to know when requesting recommendations in the college admissions process .

  3. 高校招生处主任和潜在的雇主会浏览到发酒疯的画面。

    College-admissions deans and potential employers browse bacchanalian footage .

  4. 基于Agent的网上高校招生管理系统模型

    Agent Based System Model of National College and University Enrollment Management on Internet

  5. 大规模考试是高校招生考试的一种类型,美国SAT考试与中国统一高考都属于大规模考试。

    Large text is one type of college enrolling text , SAT text in America and CCE in China are both belong to large text .

  6. 高校招生远程录取的有关技术问题探讨借助VFP完善高职高专院校的远程录取数据的处理工作

    Some Technology Exploration of Long-distance Enrolling for Higher Education Institutions ; Perfect College On-line Enrollment Data Processing with VFP

  7. 最后结合高等院校招生流程,基于Oracle数据库利用混合体系结构和中间件技术,实现了河北省成人高校招生网上录取系统。

    At last , we realized the system of Hebei Adult College Enrollment on Internet , which is based on the working flow of Hebei Adult College Enrollment , mixed-structure and Oracle database system .

  8. 快速全编译C-dBASEⅢ高校招生信息管理系统(GX-ZSGL)的开发及应用

    The Development and Application of Microcomputer Enrollment Administration System

  9. 介绍了数据仓库、OLAP和数据挖掘的有关概念和内容,并在建立数据仓库的基础上提出了决策支持系统的理论框架,并提出了其在高校招生中应用的设计和实现方案。

    Discusses the concepts and contents of data warehouse , OLAP and data mining , then describes the frame of the decision support system based on data warehouse technology , and gives the design for the university recruitment .

  10. 把高校招生考试制度改革的目标愿景锁定好

    The Reform of College Recruitment Examination System Should Have Well-Defined Aims

  11. 我国高校招生系统哲学分析

    Analysis on the System Philosophy of China 's College University Enrollment

  12. 首先,高校招生宣传具有窗口功能。

    Firstly , it has a window function to College Enrollment .

  13. 高校招生工作中的制约与监督机制&清华大学的经验

    On the Mechanism of Restriction and Supervision for Undergraduate Admission Affairs

  14. 高校招生中宽进之宽度的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the " Easy Accessibility " in College Admission

  15. 论扩大高校招生规模的可行性及其实施

    The Feasibility of Expanding College 's Recruiting Students Scale and its Actualizing

  16. 论高校招生的政策效率

    On the Policy Efficiency of Enrollment for Higher Education Institutions

  17. 高校招生工作新的认识与分析

    New Thoughts and Analysis on Enrollment in Higher Education Institution

  18. 最后,高校招生宣传还具有引导功能。

    Finally , the College Enrollment and also has a guide function .

  19. 公平性与科学性:高校招生考试制度改革的两难选择

    Equity and Scientificity : Dilemma of Reform on National College Entrance Examination

  20. 中英高校招生制度比较与借鉴

    Comparisons and References of Higher Education Admission System between China and UK

  21. 关于高校招生宣传媒介应用的调查分析与对策

    Analysis of Medium Applied to College Enrollment and Countermeasures

  22. 高校招生自主权与教育公平

    The Sovereignty of College Recruiting Students and Education Fairness

  23. 新时期高校招生制度改革的目标问题探索

    Study of the Reform of Higher Education Enrollment System Reform in New Times

  24. 试论美国高校招生考试与学校教育的关系广东省高职类招生考试制度调研分析

    The Relationship between the Entrance Examination System and Schooling Education in American Colleges

  25. 高校招生录取对接系统的设计和开发

    Design and Development of Combining Systems of College Enrollment

  26. 一直到今年,高校招生人数达到近600万。

    Until this year , enrollment reached nearly 600 colleges and universities 10000 .

  27. 关于普通高校招生制度改革的思考

    Thinking about the Reform of Ordinary College Enrollment System

  28. 高校招生规模扩大,毕业生增多,就业压力大。

    The enlargement of the number of students and graduates makes employment difficult .

  29. 高校招生宣传工作实效性之我见

    My Opinion about Strengthening Actual Effect of the High School Enrolment Propaganda Work

  30. 这是高校招生制度发展趋势的内在原因。

    This is the internal cause of the development of college enrollment system .