
wén huà jiè
  • Cultural circles;cultural/intellectual/literacy circles
  1. 这本新辞典的出版是今年文化界的一件大事。

    The publication of the new dictionary is one of the cultural event of the year .

  2. 被西方文化界视为经典性术语的公共领域(PublicSphere)概念,是哈贝马斯政治、社会哲学思想发展中如影随形的重要范畴。

    The conception of public sphere which is regarded as the classical terminology by the western cultural circle , is the important category which is closely associated with Habermas ' politics and social philosophy thought development .

  3. 演员锤弟在加州参加晚会G'DayUSAGala时谈论了两人的关系。G'DayUSAGala是用来赞扬世界各地在娱乐、体育和文化界杰出的澳大利亚人的节日。

    The actor spoke about their relationship while attending the G'Day USA Gala in California , an event honouring prominent Australian individuals from the worlds of entertainment , sports and culture .

  4. 让-保罗·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre,1905&1980)二十世纪法国思想文化界最为瞩目的哲学家、文学家和社会活动家。

    Jean-Paul Sartre ( 1905-1980 ) was the most remarkable philosopher , writer and social activist in French cultural circles in 20 century .

  5. 罗伯特·克鲁斯(RobertKloos)是荷兰驻纽约总领事馆负责视觉艺术、建筑和设计的官员。他说,经济衰退反而给一些荷兰设计师带来了好处,因为它使荷兰文化界从政府那里得到的优厚补助减少了20%。

    Robert Kloos , director for visual arts , architecture and design at the Netherlands Consulate General in New York , said that the recession did some Dutch designers a backhanded favor by causing the generous government subsidies awarded to the Dutch cultural sector to be cut by 20 percent .

  6. 这场内讧可能会放慢该乐团自郑明勋(Myung-whunChung)于2005年担任音乐总监以来取得的进步。郑明勋指挥过世界上的很多大乐团,是韩国文化界的重量级人物。

    The infighting is threatening to slow the progress that the orchestra has made since Myung-whun Chung , who has conducted many of the world 's major ensembles and is a towering cultural figure here , became its music director in 2005 .

  7. 但是在西方文化界,并不是这样。

    But this is not the case for the western intelligentsia .

  8. 他是文化界的名人。

    He is a famous figure in the cultural circle .

  9. 但一直活跃民间的壮族卵崇拜,却被学术界和文化界所忽视。

    But Zhuang eggs worship is ignored by academic circles and cultural circles .

  10. 这份2003年的研究引起了精神健康专家和流行文化界的注意。

    The two thousand three study among mental health professionals , and popular culture .

  11. 保罗同上层社交界和文化界的主要接触仅限于克拉丽莎。

    Paul 's major contact with the social and cultural worlds above him was clarissa .

  12. 作品完成后,受到国内众多剪纸艺术家、文化界人士的好评。

    Work is completed , subject to numerous paper-cut artists , cultural figures at home .

  13. 20世纪的中国文化界产生了各种各样的释孔模式。

    There appeared in the 20 th century various interpretations of Confucianism in Chinese cultural circles .

  14. 这张壁画描绘出的是20世纪娱乐文化界的两大巨星:猫王和李小龙。

    Two more of the very best that20th century mainstream culture had to offer-Elvis and Bruce Lee .

  15. “三宝山”传说是郑和当年的驻扎之地,为文化界、华社所关心。

    " Mt Sanbao " is said to be the place where Zheng He 's fleet stayed .

  16. 中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。

    The Chinese educational , scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with this university .

  17. 从事信息资源建设的人员也从科技信息界扩展至文化界、娱乐界。

    The persons taking part in the construction of information resources expand from information section to cultural and entertainment sections .

  18. 长远来说,我们希望中心能在亚洲文化界占一重要席位。

    In the long run , we want the JCCAC to make its mark on the cultural map of Asia .

  19. 同样,参与者也从公司高管扩大到政治家、非政府组织、科学家,甚至宗教和文化界领袖。

    Similarly , participation widened from corporate executives to politicians , non-governmental organisations , scientists and even religious and cultural leaders .

  20. 如南京的工商界、文化界、科学界,自愿帮助接收上海,参加部队等。

    For example , people from these circles in Nanjing volunteered to help us take over Shanghai and joined our army .

  21. 他是五四以后以鲁迅为旗帜的进步文化界少数几位全才式的大师之一。

    He is one of a few all-rounder master in progressive literatus leaded by Lu Xun after the May Fourth Movement .

  22. 中国知识分子的个人成就感在跨国文化界的形成和发展中也起到了巨大制约作用。

    The Chinese intellectuals ' personal feelings of achievements play a controlling role in the formation and development of transnational culture world .

  23. 第一章为导论,概述当代中国思想文化界和文学批评理论界所面临的主要论域和新传统,以及由此遭遇的困惑与问题。

    The first one is an introduction that reviews briefly the new traditions and the main puzzles which Chinese literary criticism faces .

  24. 这很有可能就是,一位哲学家像这样通过墓碑说教的方式,但再者这可能是一位文化界的批评家。

    It could be in this mode that a philosopher is moralizing over the grave or it could be a cultural critic .

  25. 就在肖斯塔科维奇捕抓到苏维埃文化界悲剧的一面时,赫伦尼可夫却坚定地表达了他的乐观主义和社会现实主义明确性。

    Just as Shostakovich captured the tragic side of Soviet culture , so Mr Khrennikov unswervingly expressed its optimism and social-realist clarity .

  26. 这部影片在文化界遭到了来自左翼和右翼的许多批评,被斥为是错误的或过于简单的。

    The film was attacked in many intellectual quarters from both the left and the right , for being false or simple-minded .

  27. 集体创意的绘圈,展示文研十年来跟学生、文化界、屯门社区以至整体社会所建立的关系,画出文化网络的现实和愿景。

    The circle-painting act will demonstrate the collective effort and vision of the Department on community-building and cultural networking , then and now .

  28. 在伊朗,基亚罗斯塔米也是充满活力的文化界的一名形象大使,他向人们显示了成功的可能。

    But in Iran , Mr. Kiarostami also was the ambassador of a vibrant cultural scene , showing others that success was possible .

  29. 有人说,他们是“文坛乃至整个文化界的一大景象,带给人们以无尽的思考”毋庸置疑。

    Someone says , they are " literary and even the whole scene , a cultural brings people to endless thinking " undoubtedly .

  30. 王小波是20世纪末以来,中国文化界的一颗明星。

    Wang Xiaobo is a famous writer who had ever been a bright star of Chinese culture circle since later period of 20th century .