
  • 网络Kalashnikov
  1. 卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。

    Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery .

  2. 卡拉什尼科夫说,AK-47成为了游击军所选择的武器,这令他感到很遗憾。

    Mr. Kalashnikov said he regretted that it became the weapon of choice for guerrilla armies .

  3. 他们在YouTube频道上取得的成功让视频营销人员基里尔·卡拉什尼科夫印象深刻,卡拉什尼科夫对莫斯科360频道表示,通过一些专业帮助,他们的频道可以在一年之内拥有百万订阅者。

    The popularity of the pair 's YouTube channel has impressed video-marketer Kirill Kalashnikov , who tells Moscow 360 that with some professional help , this could be turned into a million subscribers within a year .

  4. 二战结束后,卡拉什尼科夫与他的团队参加了一项国家主办的竞赛,并在竞赛中发明了AK-47这种历史上最畅销的突击步枪。

    After the war , Kalashnikov and a team entered a state-sponsored contest and invented the rifle , which became the best-selling rifle in history .

  5. 他说:如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪&译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。

    If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs a government , then we will have difficulty working with such a government .

  6. 在禁止与美国进行业务来往的八家军工企业中,就有卡拉什尼科夫集团(KalashnikovConcern)。该公司是AK突击步枪及其民用版本赛加(Saiga)的生产商。后者在美国市场上颇受欢迎。

    Among the eight military industrial companies banned from doing business with Americans was the Kalashnikov Concern , the maker of AK assault rifles and their civilian variants , called Saigas , which are popular in the United States .

  7. 新的制裁名单包括8家国防企业(包括枪支制造商卡拉什尼科夫(Kalashnikov))、俄罗斯情报机构的一名高官、一名议会成员以及负责克里米亚事务的一名部长。

    The new sanctions list contains eight defence companies , including gunmaker Kalashnikov , a senior official at the Russian intelligence service , a member of parliament and the minister responsible for Crimea .

  8. 乌克兰是前苏联加盟共和国和苏联解体以来其武装部队使用苏联时代的小型武器,包括卡拉什尼科夫的AKM和支AK-74突击步枪。

    Ukraine is a former Soviet republic and since dissolution of USSR its armed forces used Soviet-era small arms , including the Kalashnikov AKM and AK-74 assault rifles .

  9. 俄罗斯对全球科技最广为人知的贡献可能要属卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪(Kalashnikov)了,如今,俄罗斯一家新成立的手机公司正希望对全球下一代智能手机的市场产生同样深远的影响。这家公司曾附属于俄罗斯一家国有的防务公司。

    In a country whose best known contribution to global technology may well be the Kalashnikov rifle , a new mobile-phone company once tied to Russia 's state-run defense corporation hopes it will have as deep an impact on the world 's next generation of smartphones .

  10. 卡拉什尼科夫在十一月由于内出血而被送往医院。

    Kalashnikov was admitted to hospital withinternal bleeding in November .

  11. 虽然由国家表彰,但是卡拉什尼科夫从他的枪那里几乎没有赚到钱。

    Although honoured by the state , Kalashnikovmade little money from his gun .

  12. 在俄罗斯,卡拉什尼科夫成为了英雄,并成为了多本传记的主角。

    Mr. Kalashnikov became a national hero and subject of multiple biographies in Russian .

  13. 四年前在克里姆林宫为庆祝卡拉什尼科夫90岁生日举行的庆祝活动

    Festivities were held at the Kremlin fouryears ago to celebrate Kalashnikov 's 90th birthday

  14. 卡拉什尼科夫身材不高大,但在机械方面颇有才能。他说他曾梦想成为一名诗人。

    Short of stature and mechanically adept , Mr. Kalashnikov said he dreamed of becoming a poet .

  15. 卡拉什尼科夫在1987年说:都怪纳粹德国让我成为了枪支设计者。

    In 1987 , Kalashnikov said , Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer .

  16. 俄罗斯官员说,卡拉什尼科夫突击步枪的发明者,米哈伊尔·卡拉什尼科夫已经去世,享年94岁。

    Theinventor of the Kalashnikov assault rifle , Mikhail Kalashnikov , has died aged94 , Russian officials say .

  17. 卡拉什尼科夫曾说,设计上述自动步枪是为了在二战后保卫祖国。

    Mr. Kalashnikov said the automatic rifle was designed ' to protect the motherland ' after World War II .

  18. 以色列警方发言人罗森费尔德说,袭击者使用的武器是一支卡拉什尼科夫步枪,枪手被当场打死。

    Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld says the attacker was armed with a Kalashnikov rifle and was killed on the scene .

  19. 俄罗斯军方称,在新型号发明之前,他们将停止购买著名的卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪。

    The Russian army says it is halting orders of the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle until a newer model is developed by its manufacturer .

  20. 卡拉什尼科夫作为武器设计者的事业于1941年开始,在他的布里扬斯克战役红军的溃败中受伤之后。

    Kalashnikov 's career as a weapons designer began in1941 , after he was wounded during the Red Army 's crushing defeat at the .

  21. 这些枪只是过于保守,思想苏联红军军官谁喜欢简单,熟悉,成熟,可靠的卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪通过先进别的。

    Those guns were simply too advanced for conservative-thinking Soviet Army officers who preferred simple , familiar , proven and reliable Kalashnikov assault rifles over anything else .

  22. 去年,类似的婚礼事故的记录显示,一个伊拉克人不小心使手中的卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪走火,将膛内一连发子弹射向现场的宾客背部。

    Last year a recording of a similar wedding accident showed an Iraqi man losing grip of his Kalashnikov and firing a salvo of bullets into the back of a fellow guest .

  23. 在“面包与枪”快餐店,你可以从一份子弹形状的菜单中点一份“卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪”三明治,这里的厨师身着迷彩服,餐厅的背景音乐是“隆隆”的炮火轰鸣声。

    At " Buns and Guns " you can order a " Kalashnikov " sandwich from a bullet-shaped menu , prepared by chefs in military fatigues with the roar of explosions as background music .

  24. 卡拉什尼科夫集团的母公司俄罗斯技术集团公司(Rostec)发表声明,抱怨制裁“对多家俄罗斯与美国企业之间的合作造成负面影响,并可能撕裂双方的互信”。

    The Kalashnikov factory 's parent company , Rostec , issued a statement lamenting the sanctions " " negative effect on cooperation between a number of Russian and American companies , and threat to tear apart the common trust . "