
  • 网络Karabash;Calabash
  1. 欢迎来到卡拉巴什,地球上最脏的城市。

    Welcome to Karabash , the dirtiest city on the planet .

  2. 在俄国,有些人会说卡拉巴什是这个星球上最黑的地方。

    In Russia , somepeople say the city of Karabash is the blackest point on the planet .

  3. 摄影师Dmitrij曾写道:“卡拉巴什是乌拉尔南段的火星。它拥有一切外星地域的特征——荒凉贫瘠,土地龟裂,河水红中带黄,没有任何生命的迹象,黑色的人造山坡高高耸立。”

    AsDmitrij , the photographer writes : " Karabash is Southern Uralian Mars . It hasall the signs of an extraterrestrial place - dead soil , covered with cracks , ariver with its reddish-yellow waters with no signs of life and black artificialmountains . "