
kǎ chē yùn shū
  • truckage
  1. 从本质上说,香港只是个货车运输中心。他所说的货车运输,指的是卡车运输,将集装箱从珠江三角洲的工厂运到香港葵涌(KwaiChung)码头,一次运一个。

    Essentially , we 're a trucking centre , he maintains , referring to the lorries that transport containers one at a time from factories in the Pearl River Delta to Hong Kong 's Kwai Chung port .

  2. 卡车运输排土场干线布置的优化

    Optimal arrangement of main line of waste dump for truck transport

  3. 卡车运输行业也可能深深受益于这一科技。

    The technology could be a boon to the trucking industry .

  4. 吩咐卡车运输公司要小心啊。

    A : Warn the trucking company to take it easy .

  5. 卡车运输外排土场优化目标的研究

    Study of the optimization goal of outside dump place carried with truck

  6. 水果卡车运输模拟振动的研究

    Studies on the Simulative Vibration of Transport Fruits by Truck

  7. 卡车运输弹药力学环境及防护要求

    Motive Environment and Protection Condition of Ammunition in Truck Conveyance

  8. 过去,人们用卡车运输货物。

    In the past , people transported goods by lorry .

  9. 该协议也标志着优步首次涉足远途卡车运输业务。

    The deal also marks Uber 's first foray into long-haul trucking .

  10. 重型卡车运输实时调度优化准则研究

    Research on Transportation Realtime Dispatching Optimat of Heavy Truck

  11. 露天矿卡车运输系统最佳调度的数学模型及其数值解法研究

    A Mathematic Model of Optimal Control for Truck Dispatch System in Opencast Mining

  12. 用卡车运输货物的行为。

    The activity of transporting goods by truck .

  13. “我们都知道港口卡车运输造成拥堵和污染”。

    We all know the truck traffic from the port causes congestion and pollution .

  14. 露天矿山卡车运输调度系统的智能优化及应用研究

    Study on Intelligent Optimization of Truck Hauling Dispatching System of Open-pit Mines and Its Application

  15. 经济学家说,卡车运输量占美国所有货运的70%。

    Economists say trucks haul nearly 70 percent of the freight used in the United States .

  16. 他也帮助铁路保持足够的效率以应对即将到来的卡车运输的竞争威胁。

    He also helped railroads remain efficient enough to compete with the coming threat from trucking .

  17. 总之,省去了15000趟的卡车运输,大大降低了粉尘和燃料污染。

    In all , 15000 fewer truck journeys were made , greatly reducing dust and fuel pollution .

  18. 因此,投资可以向较便宜的卡车运输企业或者航空公司倾斜,后者将从油价下跌和消费支出增长中受益。

    So lean toward cheaper truckers and airlines , which benefit from sinking prices and rising spending .

  19. 1944年底,政界领袖与美国卡车运输和农业界领袖达成折衷。

    Late in1944 , political leaders and leaders in the American trucking and farm industries reached a compromise .

  20. 1951年,富有影响力的卡车运输界领袖力图打破高速公路的政治僵局。

    Starting in1951 , leaders of the influential trucking industry attempted to break the deadlock in highway politics .

  21. 目前每年靠几百万辆卡车运输的货物今后将改道于此。

    Goods currently carried on the route by a million lorries a year will go by train instead .

  22. 卡车运输可以说是印度的经济命脉,因为印度全国各地大约70%的货物都是靠卡车运送的。

    Trucks are a lifeline for India 's economy , hauling nearly 70 percent of goods transported across the country .

  23. 所有托运货物都应按铁路及卡车运输相关要求规定的方式包装。

    All consignments shall be packed in such a manner to conform with requirements concerning the railway and truck transportation .

  24. 遗传算法在水泥矿山卡车运输调度系统中的应用

    The Real Time Optimization Research and Application for Transportation Scheduling System About Material Quarry of Cement With Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm

  25. 窃贼们明显看过网站,那里经济人发布试着联系有卡车运输公司的声明。他们需要卡车来运输。

    The thieves apparently began watching Web sites where brokers posted notices trying to connect trucking companies with loads they need carried .

  26. 但很可能会有加快采用新技术的特定投资理由。长途路线是卡车运输领域最容易摘取的果实。

    But there are likely to be specific investment cases for speedier adoption . Long-haul routes are the low-hanging fruit of trucking .

  27. 全印汽车运输大会的顾问普拉蒂普·辛哈说,卡车运输的成本越来越高,司机们已经感到走投无路了。

    A consultant to the All India Motor transport Congress , Pradeep Singhal , says it is becoming unviable to run trucks .

  28. 包装和运输:非合同规定,则卖方应承担运输、包装、装箱、集装箱或卡车运输等费用。

    PACKING AND SHIPPING : Seller shall pay all shipping , packing , crating and cartage charges unless otherwise specified in this order .

  29. 中国建造了新公路和新大桥,但卡车运输却因为糟糕的服务,收费公路及其他瓶颈而受阻。

    The country had new roads and bridges , but truck shipments were hampered by poor service , toll roads and other bottlenecks .

  30. 在劳动力短缺的偏远地带,矿业公司可用庞大的卡车运输数以吨计的矿石,而无需操作员掌控方向盘。

    In remote areas , where labor is scarce , mining companies can use giant trucks carrying tons of ore without an operator at the seat .