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  1. 不难理解高树履行给身体带来的不适。

    It is not difficult to understand the discomfort rapid travels bring to the body .

  2. 大学教师确立责任意识、平等意识、朋友意识和亲人意识是高质量履行教师职责的保证。

    The sense of responsibility and equality , as well as the sense of a friend or a relative ensure a college teacher to fulfil his or her teaching successfully .

  3. 我们的职业道德和教育准则也支持审计师高质量地履行其职责。

    Our ethical and education standards also support high-quality performance by auditors .

  4. 以淮南市两级法院执行工作为例,执行和解率呈逐年上升趋势,可是仍存在执行和解案件质量不高,和解履行率较低等问题。

    Huainan City , two courts as an example , the implementation of the settlement rate showed an increasing trend year by year , but there are still some problems in the quality of the cases and fulfillment rate reconciliation .

  5. 为了弥补经费缺口和挽救上百万人的生命,结核病高负担国家应该履行控制结核病和加大对卫生保健基础设施投入的承诺。

    In order to meet the funding gap and save millions of lives , endemic countries must act on commitment to control tb , including investments in health care infrastructure .