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  1. 河北省元氏县农业水资源严重不足,县城污水年排放量335万m3,按《农田灌溉水质标准》属超标水质。

    Water resources for agriculture in Yuanshi County is of scarcity and the annual sewage discharge reaches 3.35 million m3 which is exceed the quality standard for irrigation water .

  2. 元氏位按压检查法诊断胸椎骨质破坏的临床分析

    Clinical analysis on diagnosis of whettle-bones fracture with Yuan 's epicrusis method

  3. 悠久的历史给元氏留下了不少名胜古迹。

    Yuanshi to the long history has left a lot of historical sites .

  4. 拓跋氏将他们重新命名为元氏,这也是体系汉化的一部分。

    The Tuobas renamed themselves the Yuans as a part of systematic Sinicization .

  5. 河北元氏丘陵山区农业生态地质类型

    Agroecological Geology Groups and Types in Hilly and Mountainous Areas of Yuanshi , Hebei Province

  6. 山区庄园式开发模式研究&以河北省元氏县为例

    Study on the Development Mode of Mountainous Manor & A Case in Yuanshi City , Hebei Province

  7. 元氏县农民专业技术协会最显著的经济效益是增加了农民的收入。

    The most remarkable economic effect of Yuanshi County Farmers Special Technologies Association is increasing farmers ' income .

  8. 从元氏县农民专业技术协会存在的问题来看,政府需要创造有利的外部环境,在法律和政策上支持其发展。

    Problems existed for the Association show that the government should create favorable outside environment , and give legislation and policy support to it .

  9. 文章对河北省元氏县农民专业技术协会的产生、组织运行、功能、与外界环境的互动关系及存在的问题等进行了系统的研究和分析。

    Author of the article makes systematic study and analysis of the formation , operation , functionality , interaction with outside and existing problems .

  10. 土壤物理化学环境对石榴品质的影响&河北省元氏县石榴品质差异原因初探

    Effects of physical and chemical environment in soil on megranate quality & A discussion of reasons for difference in megranate quality in Yuanshi County , Hebei Province

  11. 从农业地质研究的角度出发,探讨了成土母岩、土壤地球化学元素对元氏县石榴品质的影响。

    The paper discussed the relation of pomegranate quality with the mineral nutrition elements among bedrock and soil from eco-agriculture geology view in Yuanshi County , Hebei Province .

  12. 这三首词经过详细分析后,就不难看出元氏所谓“词味”,指的是含蓄委婉地包含在词中的深层意思,要细心玩味才能理解。

    After analyzing these three examples in depth , it is not difficult to understand that Yuan Haowen s theory of " the taste of ci poetry " actually means the deeper implications .

  13. 电力拖动方案的提出及确定:根据陆军指挥学院元氏分院提出的要求,设想的拖动方案有:发电机-直流调速装置-直流电机-靶车;

    The proposition of the scheme for the electric power : According to the request , we imagine pull scheme have : Generator - transfer and is fitted rapidly by direct current - direct current machine - target car ;