
Least squares finite element analysis of steady high subsonic plane potential flows
Nonunique solution problem in the computation of transonic potential flow
Variational Principle for 2-D Unsteady Fully Potential Transonic Flow with Shocks around Oscillating Airfoils
The unsteady potential flow theory is used to analyses the flow field and hydro-dynamic calculation .
Based on the unsteady incompressible potential flow theory , the swimming performance of the caudal fin is further studied .
For aerodynamic performance , the Green 's function method for steady aerodynamics is used as the basic method and the engineering method is used to compute the none lift drag .
In supersonic case , 3D Euler equations are solved using Cartesian grid ; in subsonic case , inviscid aerodynamic coefficients are computed by steady potential fluid Greens Function Method , viscid drag is calculated by empirical formula .
The fitting of shocks in steady plane potential flows
Theoretical Analysis of Unsteady Potential Flows Around Two-Dimensional Thin Airfoil Induced by Acoustic Excitations
Sonic line in a steady plane potential flow
A finite difference method is developed for computing the two-dimensional transient potential flow generated by an impulse on the free surface .
Because the governing equations for compressible unsteady potential flow is hyperbolic , looking time dimension as space dimension in the same way is never appropriate .
In this paper , two types of isoparametric finite element are used to predict surface pressure distribution on the three dimensional wing which are placed in the subcritical steady flow by the variational FEM .
While a vehicle flying near surface waves , flow fields are analyzed based on ground ( water ) - effect vehicle 's features and the concept of corrective terms of unsteady velocity potential flow affected by vehicle-wave coupling is presented by means of a linear superposition principle .
The wing is modeled structurally by vibrational modes , which are used as amplitude of motion by a finite element analysis . Conservative full - potential equation and three dimensional unsteady Euler equation are used to compute the unsteady transonic flows around airfoil and wings under simple harmonic motion .
The calculation of two-dimensional steady compressible potential flow by the boundary element method
The conservative full-potential equation is solved by a time-accurate approximate factorization algorithm and internal Newton iterations .
Hydrodynamic derivatives of a submerged body containing a rotational body , enclosing shell , cross foil and annular airfoil are calculated using the method of singular point distribution on condition that the fluid is steady and potential as well as incompressible .
Potential Equation for Transonic Steady Flow with Large Longitudinal Disturbance and Line Relaxation
A Boundary Element Method for the Potential Problem of a Ship Moving Forward at Constant Speed
In this paper , the subsonic unsteady aerodynamic performance of a noncoplanar wing-tail combination can be computed on condition that the velocity potential function of unsteady vortex ring is taken as an elementary solution and the method of time history ( MTH ) is used .
In this method , the velocity potential is separated into steady and unsteady parts , and the linear complex partial differential equation with spatially variable coefficients for the unsteady velocity potential of small disturbances is solved using transonic relaxation procedure .