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  1. 为验证综合模型的有效性,以UH-60A直升机为例,进行了定常平飞配平计算以及右压杆、急拉杆机动飞行的动态响应计算。

    To validate the comprehensive model , the UH-60A helicopter is taken as an example to predict the trim characteristics and dynamic responses in maneuvering flight .

  2. 探讨了数字常平基础信息平台建设项目中构建一个低造价通信网的问题,建立了网络模型和相应的存储结构,采用优化的Prim算法实现了这颗最小生成树。

    How to construct a low cost communication network is discussed based on the project of Digital Changping basic information platform in this article . The network model and storage structure are built , and the minimum spaning tree with a improved Prim algorithm is gained .

  3. 随着粟谷交换的商品化,后来又产生了粟谷贸易,主要包括官府常平和商贾贩运。

    Trade later , including two ways of Official Chang Ping and merchants trafficking .

  4. 农村城镇化与社会主义和谐社会的构建&山西省壶关县常平村城镇化道路的实证调研

    Urbanization and Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society & Practical investigation of Changping village 's urbanization

  5. 珠江三角洲东部常平地区景观异质性研究

    A study of landscape heterogeneity for the Changping area in the eastern part of Zhujiang Delta

  6. 当政府介入之后,常平仓贮其实成了政治仓贮。

    When the government steps in , the ever-normal granary becomes in fact an ever-political granary .

  7. 常平仓在设立之初,中央并没有相应的管理机构。

    Changping Warehouse the beginning of the establishment of the Central and no corresponding regulatory agencies .

  8. 广东线直通车由香港红磡站来往东莞(常平)、广州东、佛山及肇庆。

    The Guangdong Through Train calls at Dongguan ( Changping ), Guangzhou East , Foshan and Zhaoqing .

  9. 大部分位于朝阳区、大星区、常平区和顺义区。

    Most of these are located in the suburbs Chaoyang , Daxing , Changping and Shunyi districts .

  10. 美国农业稳定的保障:常平仓与《农业调整法》

    Ever normal granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act ( 1938 ), a safeguard for the stability of American agriculture ;

  11. 诸如常平义仓之类的传统社会保障制度的废弛,与元朝的灭亡有着不可分割的联系。

    The traditional social security system 's taxation such as these granaries was closely connected with the decline of the Yuan Dynasty .

  12. 常平仓的弊端主要有:常平钱粮遭到挪用;官吏管理不善;常平仓本身制度存在漏洞等等。

    Changping warehouse have the problem of development problem : Changping land tax has been misappropriated ; official mismanagement ; Changping warehouse itself system loopholes .

  13. 介绍了高值异常峰顶型、低值异常凹斗型、无异常平缓型三种曲线类型及其分析方法。

    , and introduces the curves types of high abnormal kurtosis and low abnormal hollow , and normal gently type , as well as their analysis method .

  14. 每张票都有四天的有效期,如果他们没找到工作,还可以再来,常平劳动力市场的一名经理许永吉(音译)表示。

    Each ticket is valid for four days if they don 't find a job they can come back , said Xu Yongji , a manager at Changping .

  15. 位于广东东莞市常平镇的宝达美中国有限公司将暂停三台机器的正常运作两三周。

    Jackel China , located in Changping town of Dongguan , in Guangdong , will suspend normal operations on three of its machines for two or three weeks .

  16. 常平制度无论在平准物价方面还是在灾荒救治方面都发挥了一定的作用,但学界对此问题缺乏进一步的研究。

    This system has positive effects both on the stability of commodity price and on the disaster redress . Scholars have not deepened their research in this field .

  17. 同时,常平镇还要广泛展开调查研究,收集各种信息,为我国制定新的艾滋病防治策略和措施提供真实依据。

    At the same time , Changping Town , but also extensive research , collecting information for China 's development of new AIDS prevention strategies and measures to provide the real basis .