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zhèng tǐ
  • block letter;standardized form of Chinese characters;ronde
正体 [zhèng tǐ]
  • (1) [standardized form of Chinese characters]∶正规的字体

  • (2) [ronde]∶正楷体书法

  • (3) [block letter]∶字母的印刷体

正体[zhèng tǐ]
  1. 请用正体大写字母填写表格。

    Please fill out the form in block capitals .

  2. 请尊重所有使用正体中文的读者与作者。

    Please respect those who read and write in traditional Chinese .

  3. 而如今,它们正体味到国际资本流动是何等地薄情寡义。

    Now it is experiencing how fickle international capital flows can be .

  4. 增加正体中文有声图画书。

    Add illustrated audio book with traditional Chinese text .

  5. 地址必须以正体详尽填写。

    The address must be printed in full .

  6. 本产品结构简单,只有合金耐磨扶正体、抽油杆短接两部分组成。

    The product consists of wear-resistant alloy centralizer body and pumping rod with simple structure .

  7. 这一栏用正体字排印。

    Typeset this column in roman .

  8. 一种采用正体偏置和增益增强技术的低电压低功耗低噪声放大器

    A Low Power Low Voltage Low Noise Amplifier Utilizing Forward Body Bias and Gain Enhancement Techniques

  9. 第二章界定秦系正体文字的时代、地域、研究对象及正体文字的特征。

    Chapter 2 defined Qin Dynasty traditional text of the times , geographical , and objects of study .

  10. 汉字自产生之日起,至《说文解字》立为正体的小篆止,多数字的字形发生了或大或小的变化。

    From the emergence of Chinese character to the period of Xiaozhuan , many of character forms have changed .

  11. 顶饰:一些斜体英文字的主要笔画收笔时的回转弧线,它代替正体的衬线。

    Finial : Curve that finishes a main stroke in some italic faces , replacing the serif of the roman .

  12. 它是去年才发表的,在一下用斜体字列出,我的评论还是用正体的文本。

    They published this piece just last year and it appears in italics below , with my commentary in plain text .

  13. 不同物种有不同的命名规则,但一般来说,基因名称应写成斜体,蛋白质则采用正体。

    Nomenclature differs among species , but generally gene names should be described in italics and protein names in normal font .

  14. 同时扶正体上会形成一层均匀的油膜,减小与油管内壁的摩擦力。

    At the same time on the centralizer body there will form a uniform layer of oil film , reducing friction with the tubing wall .

  15. 它以汉代官方正体的隶书身份,挤身于碑碣林立的东汉文化之林,显示了古代地方文化的高水平和高品位。

    It brought out high standard and grade of ancient local culture that the tablet stood in culture circle with a forest of tablets of the East Han Dynasty .

  16. 扶正体上下端面采用圆弧设计,避免了与油管接触、抽油杆与油管端部的相互切削与磨损。

    Circular design is adopted for the upper and lower end face of centralizer body to avoid contact with the tubing and the wear and tear between pumping rod and tubing ends of .

  17. 事实是,美国已将大批制造业务转移至海外,现在必须面对因此而积累的外部不均衡这种不均衡现在正体现在主权财富基金身上。

    The truth is that the US has shifted a vast amount of its production abroad and must deal now with the resulting accumulation of external imbalances that are now being placed in sovereign wealth funds .

  18. 伦理理论的整合与公共利益的伦理学论证从传统的心脏死亡概念到脑死亡概念的范式转换,正体出了这一哲学内涵。

    The Integration of Ethical Theories and the Ethical Justification for Public Interest Finally , it argues the acceptable ethical justification of the conception of Brain Death in brief , and criticizes the unreasonable ethical justification .

  19. 因计算机学科的特殊性,在对计算机程序及相关的论述、说明及图表中,应将它们理解为相应量、参数或函数存储单元的名称而将它们编排为正体;

    Because of particularity of computer science , they should be considered as corresponding name of memory element of constants , variables , parameters and functions . So they are composed as standard form in the computer programs , connected discussion , explanation , charts and so on .

  20. 由于传统诗学观念的制约与杂体诗自身的特点,以及历代文人的鄙薄,造成研究上的不足,杂体诗因此被摒斥于正体诗之外,这对杂体诗颇不公平。

    Because of the concept of the traditional poetics restricted and miscellaneous poems with its own characteristics , and the literati despising , caused by the lack of research , miscellaneous poems so long in traditional Chinese poetry was spent outside , the miscellaneous poems was not fair .