
  1. 现在正是三月末,樱花成了我们每日话题中的大部分内容

    We be now at the end of march , when cherry blossom be much talk about in our daily conversation

  2. 因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们把这个节日叫“春节”。

    Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring , people also call it the Spring Festival .

  3. 倪瓒的遭遇正是元末明初社会政治、经济和文化变迁的反映。

    And Ni Zan 's suffering experiences were the reflection of politics , economy and culture during the period of the late Yuan and the early Ming .

  4. 宋代禅宗语录《碧岩录》成书于宣和七年(1125年)至建炎二年(1128年),正是北宋末南宋初年。

    Biyan Lu , a Buddhism Scripture in the Song dynasty , was accomplished from 1125 to 1128 , which were the early years of south Song dynasty and the last years of north Song dynasty .

  5. 此间,欧美银行家正因为今年末可能发放的数以百万美元计的奖金而面临公众怒火,英国和法国还决定对这些奖金征收附加税。

    The pay-outs come as bankers in the US and Europe face public anger over probable multi-million dollar bonuses at the end of this year and , in Britain and France , additional taxes on these pay-outs .

  6. 电视剧《原野》的通俗化处理正契合二十世纪末大众文化高涨的趋势。

    The popularization of the teleplay " field " is just corresponding to the rising trend of the people 's culture in early 21 ~ ( st ) Century .