
  1. 全中国的长城遗迹都面临着来自自然和人类的双重威胁。

    The remnants of the Great Wall face threats from both nature and humans across the country .

  2. 甘肃省岷县往西十公里处我们也可以找到的秦长城遗迹。

    And ten kilometers west to the Minxian city in Gansu Province we can also find remains of the Qin Wall .

  3. 明长城遗迹、嘉峪关以及被积雪覆盖的祁连山都值得一看。

    The relics of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty , the Jiayuguan Pass , and the snow-capped Qilian Mountains are worth seeing .

  4. 航天雷达拍摄到的隋代长城遗迹的照片,有助于考古学家们描绘那些世代掩埋在大漠黄沙中的文明遗存。

    Finding remains of the Sui Dynasty wall by spaceborne radar imagery is helping archaeologists to map a major cultural feature that has been buried by desert sands for generations .

  5. 他们也感到有些不解,所以我们集思广益,认为21196公里是中国大地上现存所有可见的长城遗迹的总长度。

    They also felt a little bit confused , so we kind of put our heads together . The 21,196 is a measurement of all the visible Great Walls on the land of China as they stand now .

  6. 我们在今天还可以看到秦长城的遗迹。

    We can see frie remains of the Qin Wall today .

  7. 我们发现长城的遗迹

    We find ruined sites of the Great Wall

  8. 中元古代长城纪遗迹化石在宁夏贺兰山的发现

    The Discovery of Trace Fossils from the Middle Proterozoic Changcheng System in Helan Mountain , Ningxia

  9. 既有大佛寺、西来寺、土塔、镇远楼、山西会馆、明粮仓等古代建筑,又有黑水国遗址、汉墓群、古城墙、长城烽燧等历史遗迹;

    It not only has many ancient architectures , such as Big Buddhist temple , Hsi Lai Temple , wooden tower temple , Zhen Yuan Buildings , Shanxi Hall and the granary built in Ming Dynasty , etc.

  10. 事实很简单,国家先勘测了明长城,然后又勘测了明以前历代所建的长城,两次勘测结果加起来得到今天中国所有可见的长城遗迹的总长度。

    It 's simply that the state looked at the Ming wall first , they looked at the pre-Ming wall second , and the two added together gives you the total length of all visible remains of the Great Wall in China today .