
xīnɡ jí fàn diàn
  • Star hotel;star grade hotel
  1. 然后对四川省旅游服务贸易竞争力影响因素进行定性和定量分析,得出星级饭店数成为影响旅游服务贸易出口的关键因素之一。

    Next , qualitative and quantitative analysis are made for influencing Sichuan tourism service trade international competition factor , and conclude that star grade hotel is becoming one of the most important factor for tourism service trade .

  2. 他已经在那个五星级饭店预订了一个大包间。

    He has reserved a big private room in that five-star hotel .

  3. 运用SPSS软件,经偏相关分析发现旅游资源和经济能力是星级饭店发展的主要驱动力。

    Using the SPSS software doing the partial correlation analysis , the author discoveries that the resources and the economy are the main driving influences on star class hotel 's development .

  4. 英国奢侈品零售网站VeryFirstTo对外发布了史上最昂贵的情人节晚餐,由英国米其林星级饭店颠勺儿的厨师AdamSimmonds亲自上门为情侣们烹饪,八道菜品的价格需要6.1万欧元,即99478.80美元。究竟是什么菜能要价这么高?

    VeryFirstTo.com , a British retail luxury site is offering the services of top chefs , who will cook a no expense-spared romantic dinner.The cost of the dinner is said to be $ 99300 .

  5. 她在台北停留期间住在一家四星级饭店。

    While in Taipei she stay at a four star hotel .

  6. 这家五星级饭店的住房率/入住率达90%

    The five-star hotel 's current occupancy rate stands at 90 %

  7. 最后对大连市星级饭店今后的发展提出了建议。

    Finally give suggestion about the hotel development in the future .

  8. 走进星辉&北京五星级饭店一瞥

    Brilliant Stars A Brief Survey of the Five-star Hotels in Beijing

  9. 论星级饭店经营管理的综合评价

    On the Comprehensive Evaluation System of Hotel Operation and Management

  10. 我国星级饭店差别定价模式构建

    The Construction of the Discrimination Pricing Model in Starred Hotel

  11. 我国星级饭店员工激励问题研究

    The Research on Employees ' Motivation in Star Hotels in Our Country

  12. 上海市星级饭店非正式组织存在的假设检验分析

    Hypothesis Testing Analysis of Informal Organization of Shanghai Star Hotels

  13. 成都市高星级饭店拓展会议市场的思考

    Thoughts about Strengthening the Meeting Market of High Star-Rated Hotel in Chengdu

  14. 在北京,像这样的五星级饭店不止15家。

    There are more than fifteen five-star hotels like this in Beijing .

  15. 其次,定量分析了延边地区星级饭店业的现状。

    Secondly , the status quo of Yanbian Tourism was analyzed simply .

  16. 武汉市星级饭店发展研究

    Research on the Development of Star-level Hotel in Wuhan City

  17. 桂林高星级饭店员工角色问题的研究

    A Study on the Staff Roles in Guilin High-star Hotels

  18. 这家五星级饭店提供多种多样的设施与服务。

    This five-star hotel offers a wide range of facilities and services .

  19. 宾馆曾三次荣获内蒙古自治区最佳星级饭店称号。

    Hotels have won the three-star hotel in Inner Mongolia best title .

  20. 我们度蜜月时住的是五星级饭店。

    We stayed in a five-star hotel on out honeymoon .

  21. 钻石模型;高星级饭店;竞争力。

    Diamond model ; High-star hotel ; Competitive power .

  22. 星级饭店餐饮与社会餐饮的差异对比

    Difference Comparison of Star-class Hotel Catering and Social Catering

  23. 在五星级饭店,给搬运工一两个林吉特就足够了。

    At five-star hotels , one or two ringgit will suffice a porter .

  24. 星级饭店餐饮现状分析及对策

    An Analysis on Hotel Restaurant Situation and its Countermeasures

  25. 推进星级饭店的建设,调整行业内部结构;

    Advance star-hotel construction , adjust hospitality industry structure ;

  26. 芜湖市星级饭店人力资源管理研究

    Research on the Human Resources about Hotels of Different Star in Wuhu City

  27. 所有的旅客都住在一家三星级饭店里。

    All the travellers lodged in a three-star hotel .

  28. 星级饭店企业识别系统研究

    Research for Star Hotels ' Corporation Identity System

  29. 不管是在脏兮兮的机场餐厅抑或五星级饭店,她都要吃虾。

    She would eat them in a grimy airport cafe or a five-star restaurant .

  30. 整体而言,苏州市高星级饭店实习生的整体满意度较低。

    Overall , the interns ' overall satisfaction is lower for Suzhou high star-rated hotels .