
  1. 从苏州园林中的石景营造看古代文人的审美取向

    See Archaic Literati Aesthetic Tropism through Stone-Scene Construct in Suzhou Garden

  2. 园林石景艺术研究

    Research on the Art of Stone Scenery in Gardens

  3. 主要研究结果如下:一、对石景艺术和石雕进行概述。

    The main results were asfollows : 1 .

  4. 假山是以自然山水为原型加以模仿并提炼的一种艺术手法,是用人工再造山石景或山石水景的通称。

    Rockwork is a kind of art which is based on the natural landscapes . It is an artificial landscape .

  5. 点石成景宛然如画&论园林石景艺术

    Touch a stone and turn it into scene , reminding one of paintings & discussing the art of stone scene in gardens

  6. 整个李子箐石林就是一座巨大的自然石景艺术宝库,任凭游客去观察,去发现,去自由驰骋地想象。

    Liziqing is a huge art treasury of natural stone scenes , which allows visitors to come freely , inspect , explore and imagine .

  7. 再加上峡中有各种不同的石景和岩溶景观,游人至此,深感不虚此行。

    In addition , there are all kinds of rock feature and karst landscape , all people get here feel they will never regret coming here .

  8. 同时通过现代日本公共艺术家创作出的成功的现代日本石景个案分析,探究这二者存在的某种联系。

    At the same time the public through modern Japanese artists of the modern Japanese Shi successful case studies , explore the existence of a link between the two .

  9. 独特的双层水体设计更是将景观、经济、生态很好的结合到了一起,旱时是石景,涝时是湖区,为居者提供了一个美丽的亲水区域;

    Unique double-level water system combines economy , ecology and landscape together , it is stone view when it is dry and it is a lake when water comes , thus provide the end-user a beautiful ambience ;

  10. 并力求从文化比较学的意义上,通过日本公共艺术中有关石景创造的分析研究,探寻能对我国现代公共艺术具有启示和借鉴意义的方法、途径。

    And to seek from the cultural study of comparative sense , through the Japanese public art related to formations created by the analysis and study can explore with the enlightenment of modern public art and draw meaningful ways .

  11. 景观石-石景的塑造,一直是中国古代园林的重点规划之一。

    Landscape Stone-Shi shaping , has been the focus of planning in ancient China one of the garden .

  12. 中、日两国庭园景石受自身景石文化的影响,在不同的自然环境、人文风俗、社会、文化思想等条件影响下,呈现出不同的庭园景石艺术表现。

    Chinese and Japanese gardening , impacted by stone culture , demonstrate different courtyard stone art under different natural environment , customs , and social ideas .

  13. 江南文人园林中的太湖石石景艺术最为成熟,对后世石景审美影响深远。

    The art of Taihu stone and rockery in Jiangnan literati garden is highly developed and has huge influence on the later stone aesthetics .