
dì fɑnɡ wǔ zhuānɡ
  • local armed forces
地方武装 [dì fāng wǔ zhuāng]
  • [local armed forces;regional armed forces] 地方上的军队,尤指相对中央的军队而言

  1. 国民军进驻甘肃后,逐步铲除甘肃地方武装力量。

    National army eliminates local armed forces gradually after move into Gansu province .

  2. 吴简中的军吏与刘宋时期始兴郡大田武吏无必然联系,后者是地方武装性质的兵而非吏。

    It has no certain relation with the soldiers of local armed forces in the Liu-Song Period .

  3. 地方武装,除酃县外,各县都有了少数。

    All the counties except linghsien had a few local armed units .

  4. 你明明知道在地方武装军团停止行动之前。

    You were aware that until the suspension of the posse comitatus act .

  5. 我们红色地方武装的扩大,更是刻不容缓。

    This makes it all the more urgent to enlarge our local Red forces .

  6. 〔26〕靖卫团是一种反革命的地方武装。

    [ 26 ] The Pacification Guards were a kind of local counter-revolutionary armed force .

  7. 正如许多地方武装产生的情况一样,这些政权机构也都是通过普选,由群众自己组织起来的。

    Like many of the armed bands , these governments had often been organized by the people themselves under conditions of universal election .

  8. 种族骚乱有惊无险,包括果敢在内的三支少数民族地方武装已经被改编成边防军;

    Secondly , the race riot finally calms down , and three minority arm forces including kokang have been incorporated by the government .

  9. 游击集团是以地方武装和人民武装相结合而组成的游击战争组织形式。

    Guerrilla bloc is the form of organization of guerrilla warfare , consisting of the armed forces of the people and regional armed forces .

  10. 一次,唐区长带着一个排的战士和地方武装的民兵,顺着河沟踩着水,摸到了古龙山下的一座庙前。

    One day , he led a platoon and some local militiamen along a stream to a temple at the foot of Gulong Mountain .

  11. 参阅军种全,兵种多。这次参阅的陆、海、空、二炮、武警和地方武装,代表了我国武装力量构成的所有成分。

    All military branches were displayed , including the representatives from the land , sea , air , Second Artillery , armed police and local militia .

  12. 唐朝末年,地方武装长官利用他们不断增长的势力开始扮演帝王的角色。

    Near the end of the Tang Dynasty , regional military governors took advantage of their increasing power and began to function more like independent regimes on their own right .

  13. 魏晋南北朝时期的庄园不再是地方武装实体,也不再是纯粹的生产单位,其军事功能削弱、文学色彩增强。

    Wai Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties manor of period is no longer the entity of local arm , it is no longer a pure production unit too , its military function is weakened , the literary flavor is strengthened .

  14. 因为分兵的目的,是为了更能争取群众,更能深入土地革命和建立政权,更能扩大红军和地方武装。

    For the purpose of dividing up our forces is to put us in a better position for winning over the masses , for deepening the agrarian revolution and establishing political power , and for expanding the Red Army and the local armed units .

  15. 湘鄂西革命根据地的建立与发展前后遍及30多个县,拥有近两万红军和大量地方武装,进行过轰轰烈烈的土地革命,在政治、经济、文化等方面均有所建树。

    Hunan - Hubei West revolutionary base throughout the establishment and development of more than 30 counties , with nearly 20,000 of the Red Army and local armed , had carried off land reform , had accomplished something in the political , economic , cultural and other aspects .

  16. 但在一些地方,武装冲突干扰清理土地和种植的种子。

    But in some places , armed conflict interfered with clearing the land and planting the seeds .

  17. 这些协议的主要目的是明确表示自由国家抵抗来自任何地方的武装进攻的共同决心。

    The primary purpose of these agreements is to provide unmistakable proof of the joint determination of the free countries to resist armed attack from any quarter .

  18. 此后三四年间,农民起义军和地方割据武装都纷纷被唐朝消灭,唐朝继承隋朝,统一了中国。

    In the next few years , the Tang army wiped out the peasant as well as local separatist forces . The whole country was once a-gain unified .

  19. 每一个班都抽出一、二名战士,加入由农民、教员甚至爱国的地主组成的地方抗日武装。

    And out of every squad had come one or two soldiers to join the various bands that farmers , teachers and even patriotic landlords had raised to fight the Japanese .

  20. 然而,由于与我云南接壤段缅方地方民族武装势力的存在,给双方的边境安全、出入境管理和边境地区治安管理等增加了复杂性和特殊性。

    However , the existence of Burma local armed farces in the contiguous areas with Yunnan province add complexity and difficulty in the safety of border ' exit and entry management and public order management .

  21. 破败的海滨城市班加西,这个地方是利比亚反对派武装的诞生地。当利比亚反对派武装顺利攻占的黎波里的核心区,这个地方爆发了疯狂的庆祝活动。

    IN BENGHAZI , the dilapidated seaside city that was the birthplace of the Libyan rebellion , the rebels'entry into the heart of Tripoli set off a frenzy of celebration .

  22. 军队党帮助地方党的发展,正规军队帮助地方武装的发展;

    Promote the development of the local Party organization with the help of the army Party organization and promote the development of the local armed forces with the help of the regular army .

  23. 单纯军事主义和地方主义相反,乃是主力部队里头的人们只图扩充自己不顾扶助地方武装的一种错误观点。

    As against localism , the purely military approach represents the wrong viewpoint held in the main forces by those who are bent on expanding their own strength and who neglect to assist the local armed units .