
  • 网络government secretariat;Government Headquarters;Central Government Offices
  1. 昨天,抗议者们试图强行进入曼谷的政府总部。

    Yesterday , protesters tried to force their way into government headquarters in Bangkok .

  2. 在东京市政府总部,地震警报响起,工人们跑步到庇护场所;

    Earthquake alarms ring at Tokyo 's metropolitan government headquarters , sending workers running for cover .

  3. 各局合组成政府总部,每个局由一位负责决策的局长掌管。

    The bureaux , each headed by a policy secretary , collectively form the Government Secretariat .

  4. 国家体育运动管理总局教育统筹局〔政府总部〕

    The State Sports General Administration Education and Manpower Bureau [ EMB ] [ Government Secretariat ]

  5. 政府总部辖下的规划环境地政局,负责整体的环境政策。

    The planning , environment and Lands Bureau of the Government Secretariat has overall policy responsibility for the environment .

  6. 抗议者聚集在政府总部外,挑战北京限制其民主改革的决议。

    Protesters gathered outside government headquarters to challenge Beijing over its decisions to restrict democratic reforms in the city .

  7. 随着伊拉克经济被不断发生的暴力事件所摧毁,巴格达的翻译们在堡垒般的美军领导的临时政府总部之外,几乎找不到工作机会。

    The Iraqi economy shattered by ongoing violence , Baghdad translators find few job opportunities outside the fortress-like headquarters the American-led administration .

  8. 以梳理部门职责为主要目的的树状图统筹模式在医院管理中的运用教育统筹局〔政府总部〕

    The dendrogram co-ordination mode of clarifying the responsibilities of departments or the individuals in hospital administration Education and Manpower Bureau [ EMB ] [ Government Secretariat ]

  9. 政府总部附近的夏悫道是主要抗议区。在这里安营扎寨的许多示威者表示,他们不打算撤退。

    Many of the demonstrators who have set up camp in the main protest zone on Harcourt Road near government headquarters say they have no intention of retreating .

  10. 周一,数千名公民冲向首都喀布尔的机场,希望在塔利班占领首都并接管政府总部一天后逃离该国。

    On Monday , thousands of citizens raced to the airport in the capital , Kabul , in hopes of fleeing the country a day after the Taliban seized the capital and took over government headquarters .

  11. 最多人投诉的机构是房屋署、惩教署、土地发展公司、地政总署、香港房屋协会、市政总署、入境事务处、医院管理局、政府总部和民政事务总署。

    The organisations receiving the most complaints were : housing department , correctional services department , land development corporation , lands department , Hong Kong Housing society , urban services department , immigration department , hospital authority , Government Secretariat and home affairs department .

  12. 斯诺登提供的2008年的文件显示,美国国安局和英国政府通讯总部(GCHQ)旗下机构在诸如《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)和《第二人生》(SecondLife)之类的大型多人网络游戏中安插了特工。

    Documents provided by Snowden from 2008 say that the NSA and the UK 's GCHQ agencies planted agents inside MMOs like World of Warcraft and Second Life .

  13. 这名官员是英国电子情报机构政府通讯总部(GovernmentCommunicationsHeadquarters,简称GCHQ)的新任总监罗伯特·汉尼根(RobertHannigan)。

    The statements were made by Robert Hannigan , the newly appointed director of GCHQ , Britain 's electronic intelligence agency .

  14. 这给英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)这样的机构造成了更大的挑战。

    This presents an even greater challenge to agencies such as GCHQ .

  15. 跨国公司与美国国家安全局(NSA)和英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)围绕用户数据访问权的角力是另一个例子。

    Multinational companies " tussles with the US National Security Agency and Britain 's GCHQ over access to user data are another .

  16. 另一方面,每天穿越企业“数据边界”的可穿戴设备明显会成为黑客的目标,在英国政府通信总部(GCHQ)和军情五处(MI5)工作13年后加入网络安全公司Darktrace担任技术主管的戴夫•帕尔马(DavePalmer)表示。

    Meanwhile , wearable devices crossing over corporate " digital perimeters " every day are an obvious target for hackers , says Dave Palmer , who spent 13 years at GCHQ and MI5 before joining cyber security company Darktrace as head of technology .

  17. 金雅拓说,攻击活动从2010年开始,持续了两年多时间,但美国国家安全局(NAS)和英国的对应机构政府通讯总部(GCHQ)未能大规模窃取该公司SIM卡密钥。

    Gemalto said that the attacks had occurred over two years , starting in 2010 , but that the National Security Agency of the United States and its British counterpart , the Government Communications Headquarters , or GCHQ , had failed to gain wholesale access to the company 's SIM card encryption codes .

  18. 政府在总部经济发展中如何发挥作用,这是我们探讨的关键。

    How the government functions in the Headquarters Economy is the key topic of this thesis .

  19. 政府通信总部开展了一项竞赛,旨在鼓励更多的女孩考虑选择网络安全作为自己的职业。

    GCHQ is launching a competition with the aim of encouraging more girls to think about a career in cyber security .

  20. 该委员会的英国议员负责审查英国的安全服务、秘密情报机构和政府通信总部。

    The committee of lawmakers is charged with scrutinizing the U.K. 's security service , secret intelligence service and government communications headquarters .

  21. 在第一起事件中,有人致电给英国政府通信总部,导致汉尼根的手机号码被曝光。

    In the first instance , a call was made to GCHQ which resulted in the disclosure of a mobile phone number for the director .

  22. 政府通讯总部主管罗伯特·汉尼根表示:“我的工作伙伴中有一群绝顶聪明的女性,她们帮助英国抵御住了各种形式的线上威胁。”

    Government Communications Headquarters director Robert Hannigan said : " I work alongside some truly brilliant women who help protect the UK from all manner of online threats .

  23. 英国情报机构政府通信总部也是因使用网络测试来招聘而闻名。2015年,政府通信总部还用神秘涂鸦开展了一场全国范围的招聘。

    Britain 's security agency GCHQ is also known for using online quizzes in recruitment drives and , in 2015 , it ran a nationwide campaign with cryptic graffiti .

  24. 各新闻组均与政府新闻处总部紧密合作,处理各局及部门在资讯、公关和宣传方面的工作。

    They work closely with ISD headquarters on information , public relations and publicity aspects of the work of departments or bureaux .

  25. 周日下午,搜救人员在事发海域附近又发现了两具尸体,死亡人数已上升至52人,消息来自协调救援工作的韩国泛政府应急指挥总部。

    As of Sunday afternoon , two more bodies were found in waters near the site of the accident , raising the death toll to 52 , according to the pan-government emergency management headquarters which has been coordinating rescue efforts .

  26. 他们花费了1,800万英镑的政府基金将伦敦总部的设施配备齐全。

    They spent 18 million pounds of Government funds fitting out the London headquarters .

  27. 政府市场营销与总部经济

    Governmental Marketing and HQ Economy

  28. 今年早些时候,卢旺达政府同一家总部设在美国的公司签下协议,旨在将物资运送到全国各地的医疗中心。

    Earlier this year , the Rwandan government signed a deal to cooperate with a U.S. - based company to transport supplies to medical centers across the country .

  29. 目前,阿里巴巴正在准备在纽约上市,这也可能成为历史上规模最大的一次上市。阿里巴巴集团召集了上百名政府领导来到杭州总部探讨电商如何促进当地经济发展问题。

    As the company prepares for an IPO in New York that could be one of the largest in history , Alibaba Group drew hundreds of local government leaders to its Hangzhou headquarters to discuss how e-commerce can help their economies .

  30. 1939年9月4日,即英国对德宣战的第二天,图灵前往布莱切利公园(即战时政府信号密码学校,政府通信总部的前身)报到。

    On 4 September 1939 the day after Britain declared war on Germany , Turing reported to Bletchley Park , the wartime station of the Government Code and Cypher School and forerunner of GCHQ .