
  • 网络Biological Psychology;Biopsychology;Behavioral neuroscience;Psychobiology
  1. 《华尔街日报》―发表于《生物心理学》(BiologicalPsychology)二月刊的研究论文称,人类大脑对蛇天生的反应就是畏惧,没意识到自己怕蛇的人也包括在内。

    The human brain is wired to react fearfully to snakes , including in people without a conscious fear of snakes , says a study in this month 's issue of Biological Psychology .

  2. 生物心理学与精神病学研究通讯

    Research Communications in Biological Psychology and Psychiatry

  3. 此发现发表在《生物心理学》期刊中。

    The finding is in the journal Biological Psychiatry .

  4. 而且当时我还没有决定,是读生物心理学还是戏剧。

    And / or I hadn 't made up my mind exactly biopsychology or drama .

  5. 创伤后应激障碍的生物心理学特征

    Psychobiological characteristics of post-traumatic stress disorder

  6. 生物心理学在当时被称为,大脑和认知科学。

    So , biopsychology was what they called sort of brain and cognitive sciences in those days .

  7. 年,《生物心理学》杂志刊登了他关于有攻击性品行障碍的孩子移情问题的研究,研究中的孩子有欺弱行为。

    In2009 , the journal Biological Psychology published his study on the empathy of children with aggressive conduct disorder – associated with bullying .

  8. 我研究生物心理学,我开始相信人类已经进化出了四个广义的思考及行为方式,

    I study the biology of personality , and I 've come to believe that we 've evolved four very broad styles of thinking and behaving ,

  9. 他在邮件中写道:“大家都知道我们调查了一些学生,他们抱怨了《高级认知和生物心理学》这门考试。”

    In the email , he said : " As you are aware we have investigated a number of complaints about the Advanced Cognitive & Biological Psychology . "

  10. 5月30号(周三)的一门《高级认知和生物心理学》考试中,一些学生当场流泪,因为老师给他们划的必考重点居然没有出现在考题中。

    Several students were reduced to tears in an advanced cognitive and biological psychology exam on Wednesday , May 30 after the topic they were told to revise didn 't come up in the paper .

  11. 他移居南加利福尼亚,开创了新机构:生物中心心理学学院(theInstituteofBiocentricPsychology),并于1969年出版著作《自尊心理学》(ThePsychologyofSelf-Esteem)。

    He moved to Southern California , where he started a new organization , the Institute of Biocentric Psychology , and wrote a book , " The Psychology of Self-Esteem " ( 1969 ) .

  12. DBU提供60个本科学位,22个硕士学位,2个博士学位以及多样化的网络教学.本科以工商管理,管理,会计,生物,心理学及计算机科学较为著名。

    DBU offers a total of60 bachelor degrees , 22 masters degrees , and2 doctoral degrees .

  13. 即便女生进入科学领域,她们更多选择类似生物、心理学和社会学这样较浅显的学科,而非数学或物理。

    Even when girls went into science , they mostly chose careers at the softer end of the subject , such as biology , psychology and sociology , rather than physics and maths .

  14. 即便女生进入科学领域,她们更多选择类似生物、心理学和社会学这样“较浅显”的学科,而非数学或物理。

    Even when girls went into science , they mostly chose careers at the " softer " end of the subject , such as biology , psychology and sociology , rather than physics and maths .

  15. 这支研究团队来自生物和临床心理学学院。他们用核磁共振成像仪观察人们听到与疼痛相关的词汇时的脑部反应。

    The team from the department of Biological and Clinical Psychology used magnetic resonance tomography to investigate how individuals processed words associated with experiencing pain .

  16. 自动机与形式语言理论对于计算机系统及其语言、软件的发展具有重要的影响,它还广泛的用于生命科学,生物化学,心理学,语言学等学科。

    Automata and formal languages have shown their importance for the devel-opment of computer science and its programming languages as well as softwares , moreover , they become extensively applied to the field such as life sciences , bio-chemistry , psychology and linguistics .

  17. 目前对于散打的研究主要从运动生理学、运动生物化学、运动心理学、运动训练学、运动生物力学几个角度来进行研究,而从多角度同步分析的研究还较少。

    Currently , the research of Sanda is mainly separately focus on exercise physiology , exercise biochemistry , sports psychology , sports coaching and sport biomechanics , while only a few using multi-dimensional analysis of Sanda .

  18. 视觉描述中的对称性特征检测的研究涉及到图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉、生物生理学、心理学等学科。

    The detection of symmetry feature in visual feature description is emerging as an active research area involving several subjects such as image processing , pattern recognition , computer vision , physiology , psychology , and so on .