
  1. 从距今18000年的最后冰期最盛时期到距今10000年开始的全新世海侵,全球气侯发生过急剧的变化。位于亚洲东部的古季风活动也经历了盛衰变化。

    From the LGM ( 18 ka BP ) to the Holocene transgression ( 10 ka BP ), great changes took place in world climate , including the paleo monsoon activity which occured in the Eastern Asia .

  2. 然而争取民主变革运动的侯选人茨万吉拉伊确实胜过了执政党津巴布韦非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线的侯选人,也就是在任总统穆加贝。

    MDC candidate Morgan Tsvangirai nevertheless decisively outpolled incumbent President Mugabe , the ruling party Zanu-PF candidate .