
sì hǎi
  • the four seas;the whole country;the whole world;unconstrained
四海 [sì hǎi]
  • (1) [the whole country]∶指全国各地

  • 四海为家

  • 将军既帝室之胄,信义著于四海。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 大阉之乱,缙绅而能不易其志者,四海之大,有几人欤?--明. 张溥《五人墓碑记》

  • (2) [the whole world]∶指世界各地

  • 放之四海而皆准

  • (3) [unconstrained]∶豪放、豁达

  • 老牛说:真是大手笔,四海得很

四海[sì hǎi]
  1. 论“四海皆兄弟”

    On " within the four seas all men are brothers "

  2. 四海加起来也不过是沼泽中的一个小洞穴罢了。

    Conflux of the four seas is no more than a small puddle on swamp .

  3. 以摇头表示“不”,并非放诸四海而皆准。

    Shaking your head for ' No ' is not universal .

  4. 这个理论并非放之四海而皆准。

    The theory does not apply universally .

  5. 四海翻腾,五洲震荡。

    The seas are rising and the continents are rocking .

  6. 四海之内皆兄弟。

    All men on earth are human brothers .

  7. 天子不仁,不保四海;诸侯不仁,不保社稷。(《孟子》)

    An emperor cannot keep the empire within the four seas unless he is benevolent ; a feudal lord cannot preserve the altars to the gods of earth and grain unless he is benevolent .

  8. 天下跑得最快,最为迅速的猎狗叫韩子卢,四海之内最敏捷的狡兔是东郭逡.

    Han Zihu is the fastest hunting dog in the world while Dong Goujun is the swiftest hare in the world .

  9. 四海绿洲LED户外单色显示屏使用超高亮度的红色或绿色发光灯管。

    LED display outdoor oasis universal use of ultra-high brightness monochrome red or green light-emitting tube .

  10. 第三部分,应用SWOT方法对四海工业总公司的民品企业进行了分类。

    The third part makes a classification to the civil product company of the described example by using SWOT way .

  11. 和所有事情一样,SEO也是要具体问题具体分析,没有放之四海而皆准的技巧。

    With all things , SEO also is to want specific issue concrete analysis , without universally applicable skill .

  12. 四海绿洲LED户外真彩色显示屏的基本原理是在每个像素发光点封装纯红、纯绿、纯蓝单灯,由驱动系统驱动其发光。

    Four Seas Oasis Outdoor True Color LED display is the basic principle of light at each pixel point package of pure red , pure green , blue light alone , driven by the drive system of its light .

  13. imf表示,施行结构性改革可能有助于避免这种产出下降,不过该组织没有找到一种“放之四海皆准”的政策可供推荐。

    Implementing structural reforms could help to avert this output drop , the IMF said , though it found no " one size fits all " set of policies to recommend .

  14. 17岁的马莉娅把入学时间推迟至2017年,让自己有机会度过一个“间隔年”(gapyear)。这是想体验课外人生的美国高中毕业生,在继续攻读高等学位前的热门做法。有些人会趁这段时间游历四海。

    In deferring her start date until 2017 , Malia , 17 , is availing herself of the opportunity to take a " gap year , " a popular option for high school seniors who are seeking experiences outside the classroom - some in far-flung parts of the world - before they begin pursuing a degree .

  15. 四海之内皆朋友,多多支持!

    All within the world are friends , support me pls !

  16. 孝道在后世发展成为一种“放之四海而皆准”的道德准则。

    It later developed into a truth rule for judging everything .

  17. 直到四海海水枯,

    Till a ' the seas gang dry , my dear ,

  18. 它应该承认,不存在什么“放之四海皆准”的方式。

    It would also recognise that there is no one-size-fits-all approach .

  19. 是的,四海皆是我家。

    Yes , everywhere is home : one circle of community .

  20. 我们希望有一天四海安宁。

    We hope that someday the whole world will be peaceful .

  21. 航运业务通向四海五洲。

    Its shipping services reach the four oceans and five continents .

  22. 集合牧师以四海皆兄弟的意义为主题,向聚会的群众发表演说。

    The minister addressed the congregation on the meaning of brotherhood .

  23. 用四海网络教室进行网络教学和机房管理

    Applying Four-Sea Network Classroom to Network Teaching and Computer-Room Management

  24. 传时代之音,播四海之乐&首届全国音乐传播学术研讨会综述

    Summarize The First National Seminar On The Communication Of Music

  25. 可见,没有放之四海而皆准的统一模式。

    Obviously , there is no universally applicable unified pattern .

  26. 虽然四海之内皆兄弟,然而人人各异。

    All men are my brothers yet I am different from each .

  27. 这一期间布宁创作了《四海之内皆兄弟》等著名小说。

    Bunin wrote a lot of novels then including Brothers .

  28. 尊为天子,富有四海之内。

    His riches were the possession of all within the four seas .

  29. 历史语境中的王朝中国疆域概念辨析&以天下、四海、中国、疆域、版图为例

    A Discrimination on the Territorial Concept of Imperial China in Historical Context

  30. 这表明,人工甜味剂的任何效应都不是放之四海而皆准的。

    This suggests that any effects of artificial sweeteners are not universal .