
  1. 近年来,俄罗斯已成为我国进口原木最多的国家,二连浩特口岸也成为中俄贸易的第四大陆路口岸。

    In recent years , most of the imported logs come from Russia , and Erenhot port has become the fourth road port trade between China and Russia .

  2. 我们将举办各种活动,并播放来自位于四个大陆的领先商业城市的视频:香港、约翰内斯堡、纽约和伦敦。

    We will be running events and broadcasting videos from the leading business cities on four continents : Hong Kong , Johannesburg , New York and London .

  3. 他是获教宗邀请出席零五年世界主教会议的四位大陆主教之一,可是无法成行。

    He was one of the four mainland prelates who were invited by the pope to the World Synod of Bishops in2005 , although he was unable to attend .

  4. 台湾上网本(netbook)先驱华硕(asustek)曾公布,第四季度中国大陆及其它地区需求锐减,但现在也表示看到了好转迹象。

    Asustek , the Taiwanese netbook pioneer which had reported a drastic drop in fourth-quarter demand in China and elsewhere , also said it now saw signs of a turnround .

  5. 第四章将大陆高考作文命题与美国、法国等国家进行比较。

    The forth chapter compares the Chinese composition writing test with two western countries ( America and France ) .

  6. 澳大利亚国家铁路公司刚推出加长版的四日跨大陆旅行,从达尔文到阿德莱德。

    Australia 's national rail is debuting an extended four-day transcontinental journey beginning in Darwin and ending in Adelaide .

  7. 台湾方面大陆委员会负责人王郁琦表示,他这次为期四天的大陆之行是一个“好的开始”。

    Taiwan 's mainland affairs chief Wang Yu-chi says his four-day visit to the Chinese mainland was a " good beginning . "

  8. 第四部分通过对大陆法系国家有关经理签字行为的立法的进行了对比。

    The fourth part compares the legislation about the signature of the manager in common and civil law system .

  9. 一九九八年至今的四年中,大陆宏观经济政策的操作,基本上属于凯恩斯的需求管理,侧重于短期内应付总需求不足。

    During the last four years the mainland 's macroeconomic policy has been basically Keynesian 's demand management to due to short-term aggregate demand .

  10. 第四部分通过对比大陆法系和我国的传统犯罪构成理论,首先明确了只有在大陆法系犯罪论的基础上讨论期待可能性问题才有意义。

    The fourth part proposes that we should discuss the theory of anticipated possibility on the basis of the continental law system 's criminal theory .

  11. 英美澳日四个发达国家分布在文化背景不同的四个大陆,其城市化进程的模式不完全相同,尤其是后城市化阶段表现出的特点更加鲜明。

    Britain , America , Australia and Japan lie in different continent under different cultural background , whose urbanization mode are different to a degree , especially more prominent about their counter urbanization characteristics .