
  • 网络Calciopoli
  1. 在电话门丑闻之后,老夫人失去了2005和2006年意甲冠军,他们也由此降级。

    The2005and2006titles were stripped from the old lady after the Calciopoli scandal , leading to their demotion .

  2. 佛罗伦萨这个赛季踢得非常好,如果不是因为电话门罚分,我们两队积分会不相上下。

    Fiorentina have had a great season and without the Calciopoli penalty we have more or less the same number of points .

  3. 尤文图斯的守门员吉吉。布丰坚持,这个夏天电话门调查员将他们当成了替罪羊。

    Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon insists they were made a scapegoat in the summer by Calciopoli investigators .

  4. 乌伊法鲁西同样对佛罗伦萨可能因为电话门被降入乙级的传闻置之不理。

    Ujfalusi also dismissed suggestions that Fiorentina may find themselves in Serie B next term as a result of the Calciopoli scandal .

  5. 最近这一次,首先提起“电话门事件”的是《都灵体育报》,它介绍了宪兵队长赞帕的一本新书。

    The last time , the first name'phone scandal'is'Turin Sports Daily , 'which describes the long gendarmerie like Pa a new book .

  6. 由于参与了电话门丑闻,斑马军团本赛季被迫降到乙级。

    The Bianconeri were relegated to Serie B for the start of this season for their involvement in the Italian match-fixing scandal .

  7. 尤文图斯已经发表了一份陈述向球迷们保证,今天调查的电话门事件不会进一步对他们处罚了。

    Juventus have issued a statement to reassure fans that today 's twist in the Calciopoli investigation will not see them punished further .

  8. 抑制我国职业足球不正之风的对策&以意甲电话门事件为鉴

    Countermeasures against malpractices in professional football in China & Lessons drawn from the Telephone Gate event occurred in class A football league tournament in Italy

  9. 帕拉迪诺上赛季被租借到利沃诺,但因为电话门事件降级之后,尤文召回了这名天才。

    Palladino had been on loan to Livorno last season , but upon their demotion in the Calciopoli scandal , Juve recalled the young talent .

  10. “电话门”丑闻导致尤文带着-17分征战意乙,因此已取得六连胜的他们在积分榜上位列倒数第二。

    Juve are second from bottom in Serie B thanks to the17 point deficit they incurred as a result of the summer 's match-fixing scandal .

  11. “不过对我而言这个赛季的意乙生活没有恶梦,”去年夏天拿到世界杯冠军后因为“电话门”而降级。

    " Nevertheless this Serie B season has not been a nightmare for me ," added the World Cup winner after the outfit 's Calciopoli demotion last summer .

  12. “幸运的”莫吉也期待着媒体未来几周的最新披露,这样能够证明那些声明自己在电话门丑闻中从未介入完全清白的人是可耻的。

    ' Lucky'Luciano is also expecting new revelations to becoming out in the upcoming weeks which will discredit those who stated they had nothing to do with Calciopoli .

  13. 尤文图斯可能会在电话门事件降级后立即重新归来,但都灵方面不能完成放松。

    They may be climbing towards an immediate promotion into the top flight after their demotion in the Calciopoli scandal , but not all is relaxed in turin .

  14. 自从”电话门“中牵涉到莫吉打电话给保罗贝尔加莫要求指定裁判后,裁判分配员吸引了整个国家的关注。

    The post of designator grabbed the nation 's attention during the Calciopoli scandal when it emerged that Moggi had been making telephone calls to Paolo Bergamo to request certain referees .

  15. 由于卷入意大利“电话门”丑闻,佛罗伦萨新赛季将被扣除19分,而队中29岁的意大利风云人物托尼已经向俱乐部提出了离开的请求。

    The29-year-old Italian hitman has asked to be allowed to leave the club who will start the Serie A season with a19-point deduction because of their involvement in the Italian match-fixing scandal .

  16. 然而,对于对‘整个电话门事件存在某种操纵’心中有数的那些人来说,每天发生的事情正逐渐使他们确定着自己的直觉。

    However , for all those people who have the impression that there was something kind of organization , little by little every day new things are coming out which are confirming this sensation .

  17. 一周过后鲁珀特默多克(RupertMurdoch)则传递了相反的信息。他取消了原定的达沃斯之行,留在伦敦试图平息《世界新闻报》(Newsoftheworld)电话窃听门引起的风波。

    Rupert Murdoch this week delivered the opposite message as he cancelled a planned trip to Davos to stay in London to try to quell the storm over phone hacking at the News of the World .

  18. 电话窃听门事件中曝光的大量信息把一阵狂风变成了一场风暴。

    The rush of revelations in the phone-hacking affair has turned a squall into a storm .

  19. 开通程控电话12000门,无线电通信转播塔2座,数字传输,宽带上网。

    12000 program-controlled telephones , digital transmissions and ISDN have been equipped as well as two relay towers .

  20. 我正在打电话突然门被风吹开了。

    I was making a phone call when ( and just at that time ) the door was blown open .

  21. 病菌在诸如电话和门把手之类的物件上孳生并会传播疾病,科学家表示,一种新发明的复合涂料将有助于解决这一问题。

    A new polymer coating holds the promise of guarding against infections commonly spread by bacteria lurking on things like telephones and door knobs , researchers say .

  22. IP电话是一门快速变化的技术,只能通过最佳组合的策略来支持。

    IP Phones are a fast moving technology that can only be fully supported using best of breed strategies .

  23. 看电视、打电话、停门铃声,都因为助听器的帮助变得容易起来。

    Simple daily tasks , such as watching TV , talk on the phone and hearing the door bell become so much easier with a hearing aid .

  24. 当他接到索洛佐的电话说医院门前仍然有考利昂家族的两个人时,他暴跳如雷。

    When he received a call from Sollozzo that there were still two of corleone 's men in front of the hospital he had flown into a rage .